Chapter 11: The Root of our Problems

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--Titans Tower (Training Yard)--

A large boulder was held in the air with a misty yellow glow, however, it was clear that the one lifting it was struggling to keep it up. At ground level, the five main Titans observed from afar as the new recruit strained against the invisible forces that held the stone above a large, metallic height chart; currently it is now at least 20 feet off the ground.

Cyborg: Ten more seconds, T, you got it girl!

As the seconds tick away, Terra falters slightly, and the boulder rolls in the air before it began to fall. She guards her eyes and braces for the incoming shockwave.

(Ping... Flash!)

But before it could come crashing down, the chunk of earth was wrapped up in a red aura, and the blonde girl turned around to see that Devan had transformed into a large, red stone golem, with a bright core in his chest.

But before it could come crashing down, the chunk of earth was wrapped up in a red aura, and the blonde girl turned around to see that Devan had transformed into a large, red stone golem, with a bright core in his chest

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Devan: 20 feet and 4 inches, not a bad record!

Terra: Uh, th-thanks!

Devan: No really, you're doing a whole lot better than you were last time! (Re reverts to normal.) These last few months of training's gone WAY faster than I thought.

Starfire: A truly wonderful display, Friend Terra!

Terra: Gee, that means a lot from you guys.

Devan: Hey, I'm just glad you're getting a better-

Maverick: (Beep! Beep!) Master, I am receiving a communication request

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Maverick: (Beep! Beep!) Master, I am receiving a communication request. Do you wish to answer?

Everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered around the watch, as Devan was visibly confused.

Devan: Uh, is it from Aqualad?

Maverick: Negative, Master, it is a separate party, however, I recognize the signal from the Rooter ship.

Devan's eyes widened, as he had almost completely forgotten about the two agents that attempted to arrest Starfire when her sister arrived to frame her.

Devan: The Rooters, eh? Well put 'em through then!

Maverick: Establishing

The dial extended, and a square window was projected and displayed the blue Mechamorph known as Agent J.

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