Chapter 16: Ramp this up to Eleven

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[Jump City: Safer than Gotham??]

It has been almost four years since their founding, but a local team of teenage superheroes, known by many as the Teen Titans, are responsible for making this once chaotic city a better place. For decades, Jump City, estimated to house several million individuals, was subject to high crime rates, natural disasters, and even the infamou 'Super Criminals', but ever since the Titans began operating, all of these threats have been reduced by at least 70%, a statistic many of us never thought possible.

"It puts my mind at ease knowing we have the Titans around.", said the mayor during an interview. "Despite being so young, those kids have accomplished things that would've taken entire SWAT divisions, the military even. Why, the Titans even rescued me when I was kidnapped by that blue magician! Surely, I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for those brave youngsters!"

While not intentional, the Titans have gained a great deal of popularity amongst the City's inhabitants, having their own clubs, fan made communities, and even bootleg merchandise. And for that last subject, the member with the most fame would have to be their leader, only known as "Omni-Boy".  With a small device on his wrist, this young man has been spotted on multiple occasions as creatures of extraordinary skill, each having their own unique abilities.

This has led many to theorize as to where exactly this technology came from, but on the rare occasion a journalist or reporter has gotten to speak with Omni-Boy, he only replies with, "It's just a gift from above!"


"What a load of shit...", says the reader, as he tosses the Jump City newspaper aside. The man was inside a dark, gray garage; the windows were boarded shut and a single light beamed down over a long workbench.

The man walks over to this station and places both hands on the reflective metal. He is a young man, with long black hair, dark rings around his eyes, and an X-shaped scar on his chin.

"After all these years, now you're playing 'Superhero', tights and all? Pfft! You always were a goodie-two-shoes

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"After all these years, now you're playing 'Superhero', tights and all? Pfft! You always were a goodie-two-shoes..."

He gazed at his own reflection for a long moment, but quickly he snaps his eyes at the door on the farthest corner; there is three short knocks before it falls silent again.

"Hey, who's there??", says the young man, as a silver coating begins to shift over his hands. "This is private property...

He goes to the door, waits a few seconds, and peers through the peephole; nobody is there by the looks of it. Unsure if what he heard was even there to begin with, he opens the door slowly, sticking his head out just enough to get a good look outside.

"This a joke or something? You better get lost before I...huh?"

He looked at the doormat, and placed neatly was a small box with an envelope resting atop it, marked with a large S. Curious, the mysterious boy took the box and locked the door on his way back in. After setting this unknown package on his desk, he soon opened the note and read its contents.

Teen Titans: The Alien Force Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant