Chapter 2: Final Exam

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Headmistress: The H.I.V.E. Academy for Extraordinary Young People is proud to introduce...

A platform rises into view in front of a hexagonal crest, carrying three young individuals on it to block the crest. One is a short, bald boy in a green jumpsuit; a pair of goggles is propped on his forehead, and assorted controls are mounted at chest and waist level. Behind him is a tall mountain of a man, with collar-length brown hair and a small beard. His sleeveless shirt and pants are black, and studded gold bands cross his chest and run around his shoulders. Off to the right of these two is a slim girl in a black dress trimmed with blue ruffles, black-and-blue striped stockings, and black platform boots with blue soles. Her lavender hair is bound into two large horn-like tufts that stick up above her ears, her catlike eyes are the same color, and her skin is an odd shade of bluish-pink. A small pendant hangs from a black ribbon that encircles her throat.

Headmistress: ...this year's top graduates.

They leap from the platform.

"Gizmo, the boy genius whose intellect can conquer any problem with an inventive solution."

The young boy presses a button on his controller, and a pair of large metal wings sprouts from his back.

He takes hold of the device at his waist, and the wings respond and carry him into the air

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He takes hold of the device at his waist, and the wings respond and carry him into the air. Lasers pop out from the wall panels and open fire against him, but he easily avoids all the shots and goes for another button. Now, a small missile launcher comes up between the wings and unleashes a salvo that destroys all the guns with remarkable efficiency.

Gizmo lands on the platform he and his classmates originally stood on, then glides away as two large robots step in from portals that open up in the walls. The girl takes his place.

"Jinx, the enchanting sorceress whose powerful hexes mean bad luck for her enemies."

The young woman known as Jinx extends her arms to both sides and does a 360-degree twirl, throwing off a wave of pink energy that causes a couple of wall panels to fall away

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The young woman known as Jinx extends her arms to both sides and does a 360-degree twirl, throwing off a wave of pink energy that causes a couple of wall panels to fall away. She leaps high off the platform, and the panels crash down on the robots' heads. Two others have moved in during this sequence and meet the same fate as three large laser cannons emerge from recessed panels in the floor, but the giant drops into view and bends its the barrel of one of them as if it were a piece of taffy.

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