chapter 5

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Khaotung loved First so much that he hated seeing him paired with Gawin. He liked Gawin, Gawin was a great guy with a great personality. He hated how shy First was around Gawin or how he would smile at him, and what he hated the most was whenever First would laugh at Gawin's jokes. The man was not even that funny.

Okay, maybe Khaotung was a little jealous, but that was not because he was in love with First (okay, maybe it had a little to do with that). However, first was his best friend, his zhiji, Montow's other father, and no one in this world deserved him. No one knew his favorite color or knew that his boba brown eyes turned a honey glazed brown whenever they were in the sunlight. No one knew that First actually preferred the quiet and was an absolute perfectionist, borderline OCD. No one knew these things except for Khaotung.

Khaotung tried to reign in his jealousy, tried not to make it too obvious, but sometimes he couldn't hide the scowl in his face whenever he saw Gawin interacting with First. What sucked the most was that Gawin was stupidly nice to Khaotung that he couldn't dislike the guy even if he wanted to.

"Khaotung. How are you?" Gawin greeted him with a warm smile.

Khaotung was visiting First on set, mostly to see P'Gun, or at least that's what he told First. He was actually there to see First in full character as Yok, objectively his hottest character so far.

"Gawin! Nice to see you. I am great and how are you?" Khaotung said, his voice slightly pitched that he winced internally at how it sounded in his ears.

"I am also good. Are you here to see First?" Gawin asked, looking around the room, presumably looking for First.

"Yeah. I brought him lunch." Khaotung said, raising the tupperware container for Gawin to see.

"Oh! There was no need. We have plenty of food from our food support. You can be rest assured that First is well fed." Gawin said with a chuckle.

"There is definitely a need! First has been tired these days, and I know my ginger root pork rib soup will definitely rejuvenate his energy." Khaotung replied, trying to keep his face kind and obscure any hostility threatening to come out.

Just as Gawin was about to answer First showed up looking hot as fuck in his Yok get up.

"Is that ginger pork rib soup?" First asked grabbing the Tupperware container from Khaotung.

"Yeah I figured I should make you some. I noticed on our video call last night you looked exhausted." Khaotung said with a satisfied smile as he looked at First inhale the scent of the soup.

'Thank you so much Tung! I missed your cooking." First beamed at him.

"Are you on break? If you are you should eat it while it is still warm." Khaotung said handing First some utensils.

"Yeah yeah. I actually finished a scene with P'Gun. Hey do you want to see P'Gun now? I know you mostly came for him." First teased.

"Oh you wound me Fir. After slaving away in the kitchen to cook you one of your favourite soups." Khaotung said dramatically.

"Oh you cook?" Gawin asked. Khaotung had honestly forgot about Gawin's existence the moment he spotted First.

"Oh yeah Khaotung is the best cook ever. The other day he made me a meal worth at least 5 Michelin stars." First answered Gawin before Khaotung could open his mouth to respond.

"A Michelin rating only has 3 stars." Khaotung said with fond exasperation.

"But you get 5 stars or even 10 because your cooking is divine." First beamed at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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