chapter 4

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Khaotung has been feeling overwhelmed, not by the realization that First was his soulmate or zhiji as First so adorably put it. But by the realization that they both voiced it out, making it seem so... real.

Look Khaotung has known for a while that First was his soul mate (platonic soul mates are a thing, thank you very much) it's just they never needed to voice it out, and now that it is all out in the open, he can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed (feelings are hard to deal with okay.)

Usually, when he is feeling overwhelmed , First is the one to calm him down, but in this situation, First is the one overwhelming him. So he needs a distraction, an emotional pet, or something. He thought of maybe getting a pet rabbit because who wouldn't want a fluffy, pink nosed bunny as an emotional support animal? However, he knows that would require more time to tend to the animal, which, thanks to his profession he has none.

So he thought of getting a kitten, sure they would need a lot of tending to, but eventually, it will grow more independent as time goes by.

But Khaotung, being Khaotung, can not just decide to get a cat without telling his zhiji. That would be prosperous.

"Fir, I wanna get a kitten." Khaotung tells First.

"What? Why?" First asks without looking up from the computer screen. He is busy playing League of Legends.

"Because I am finally ready to have a little one to take care of." Khaotung replies, missing the raised eyebrow First shoots him as he too is focused on the computer screen.

"You make it sound like you getting a child." First mumbles.

"Of course, my baby kitten will be my child." Khaotung pouts, and First doesn't miss it as he smiles warmly at him.

"Tung! You can't even take care of yourself, let alone a pet." First responds in a tone that is both exasperated and fond.

"Well, that's why I have you here, we will be such great fathers to our little one. I will give him all the affection, and you will do the taking care of stuff." Khaotung says in all seriousness, making First laugh.

"Ah ah, okay, fine, let's get us a child then." First responds shaking his head in amusement.

So that's how First and Khaotung ended up with a cute grey kitten they have named Montow.

Montow took a liking to First as the kitten fell asleep in the older's arms. The whole image made Khaotung’s heart skip several beats. They looked adorable, and his heart was swelling with fondness.

"I see Montow has taken a liking to you and forgot about me, his poor precious father." Khaotung said dramatically, clutching the left side of his chest.

"He is my precious baby boy." First responded gently, petting Montow's soft grey fur, making the kitten purr delightfully.

Khaotung wanted the image tattooed to his mind for him to keep forever.

So Khaotung and First kept referring to Montow as their child. First basically lived in Khaotung’s apartment now, and everything was too domestic. It felt like they were a couple raising their little one.

And then it hit him! Khaotung had an epiphany. He loved First and not in the platonic best friend way but as in "I am in love with my best friend" type of way. He was in love with First. He didn't want to share a fence with First but wanted to share a home with him.

He wanted to have 2- 3 kittens with him and maybe children. He wanted to wake up with him and fall asleep with him, and he desperately wanted to kiss him.

"What?" First asked as he met Khaotung’s eyes boring on to him.

"You look so cute." Khaotung mumbled absent-mindedly.

More Than Friends, Less Than LoversHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin