44.Canvas of love...

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Ahru stepped out of the shower, in fresh pair of white shorts and pink crop top. She nearly jumped off her feet when she felt something at her feet. She looked down and saw yeontan circling her legs as he licked her softly.

"You missed mumma, my sweet little munchkin?" She asked and giggled at herself for being silly but hey, dog owners do talk to their dogs like that.( Saying proud dog owner)

She picked him up. he nestled his nose against her chest and then looked at her with his big eyes. She lied him down the bed and started the television.

" Which channel I should put on for you tan-ah, mumma have work to do." She asked gently, to the  fur baby who was  sitting on her laps. A cute head tilt all she got as an answer. She cooed at his cuteness and put on some cartoon channel.

One hour went on so quickly.

She was doing some revisions of her previous cases, her dedication unwavering despite the looming danger in her life. She knew she couldn't shirk her responsibilities as a doctor just because of the threats she faced. The hospital could have easily hired the best doctor to replace her, but it was her dream to treat her patients and see them happy. She was determined not to let fear rob her of that dream.

Ahru was certain she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she chose to hide away, abandoning her passion and her patients. She needed to push forward, to face whatever came her way. What was the worst that could happen? She might die.

But wasn't it an honorable thing to die while doing what we love?

Ahru fixed her things up and stretched her arms, feeling the satisfying pop of her joints. She looked over her shoulder to see Yeontan watching her with expectant eyes. She couldn’t help but smile as she picked him up, pressing a gentle kiss to his head.

"Let's get you some treats for being a good baby!"

The morning in Kim’s villa was serene, almost unnaturally so, and it left Ahru feeling uneasy. The silence was oppressive, a stark contrast to the usual lively atmosphere. She glanced at the clock on the wall.

"It's almost 10. Where is your dada, Tannie?"

She last saw Taehyung four hours ago when he left her bedroom. The empty feeling in the house seemed to amplify in his absence.

As if on cue, the door creaked open, and Taehyung walked in, greeting them with a big, boyish smile. His face was flushed red and glistened with sweat, evidence of some vigorous activity.

"Ru, sweetheart, Tannieee~~"

Ahru stood up, taking three steps forward while still holding Yeontan in her arms. Taehyung immediately enveloped them in a side hug. "Hey, were you at home?!"

"How is my sweetheart doing?" he asked, his voice warm and affectionate.

She quickly shook her head, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "No, you should ask about the child first."

"Really?" He looked down at Yeontan, who was nestled comfortably in her arms. "So, Tannie! How are you?" He tapped Yeontan’s brown nose, and the little dog licked his fingers in response, answering in his own language.

"He said he's alright. He also asked, 'Where was Dada?!'" Ahru teased.

"Umm, I'm pretty sure that second question is from you," Taehyung snickered. "I was at the condo doing some work, okay Tannie?"

Ahru giggled at his response. "Now you can ask about me."

"You okay, Ru? Miss me?"

"No, you were gone for like four hours, not four years," she teased, though she had missed him. "I just got out of the shower." Taehyung’s eyes roamed over her body, taking in her fresh appearance.

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