Alternate History: Reclaimed States of America Pt.1

Start from the beginning

Without warning, Stalin 2.0 wage war on the soviet union. Battles occur across Moscow and Other Warsaw-Pact by cybers and drones. Not only that, West Germany and NATO were also attack by cybers and drones. This will been known as the AI War.


While the battle still going on europe. The USA have the same problem, The businesses and corporation fight each other as armed militrie and mercenaries fighting each other for the same goal. To take control of the US and their military.

Battles across the US has turn violated and military soon step in to stop the violence. However, The United States has turned into a battleground as states secede from the Union. The South Turn became an fascist state of the Confederate.

- Lead Neo-Nazi, Neo-Fascist and White Surpemacist against the US and they wanted to created the white only america and kill any Non-Whites and African-Americans

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- Lead Neo-Nazi, Neo-Fascist and White Surpemacist against the US and they wanted to created the white only america and kill any Non-Whites and African-Americans. They're also joined some corporations against the US.

The Communist Group known as United Socialist America Front.

- A group of Homelesses, Unpayed Employess and other mixed races fighting against capitalism and corruption in the US

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- A group of Homelesses, Unpayed Employess and other mixed races fighting against capitalism and corruption in the US. They're also purging those who didn't support them and many were execute.

Two Factions fighting each other for the US. And the United States Army were overwelmed by the 2 tratiors.


When Hexiron Corporations saw the chaos and violence all the over the US. They're did not want sit by and watch innocents died. The Hexiron Corporation decided to help the US and the people who weren't involved by FSC and USAF.

With enough resources, They're were able to created the mecha frame thanks to the scientists and engineers.

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