Modern AU: The Value of a Name

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So this is basically a Butler and Maid AU hahaha

The Je T'aime. Where a bunch of handsome men work there as butlers and a bunch of lovely ladies work as maids. With a various assortment of meals and snacks and drinks that range from being alcoholic to non-alcoholic, it's no wonder why it's so popular among the locals. Even foreigners drift by just to indulge in the atmosphere.

And it just so happens that's where Furina works at. Of course, she doesn't really wanna use her real name. She just uses: Focalors as a stage name. Focalors the maid. The one with the most personality you could possibly get when she's serving you drinks. One where she has to act like a spoiled brat forced to be humbled in order to do her job. It was humiliating sometimes, but if it pays the bills... It pays the bills.

Staying at home eating macaroni and taking care of her aquarium filled with various sea creatures was more than enough. Least this job pays more than if she actually joined a theater troupe... She tried becoming a famous actress, but her timid personality made it hard for her to stand out outside from her looks so she was just given minor roles.

The only thing she hated more than being forced to pretend to be someone she's not is... 

"Alright,  a Wolfhook Juice for that lady in red paid in full by that man with an eyepatch," a blond butler handed over the purple drink to a brunette girl with a chuckle. She glared, looking all over the establishment to the guy who paid her that drink. Looks like she didn't like that very much.

"Mona! Looking for another salad?" He went over to another girl he seemed familiar with. 

She hated him so much.

That smile on his face. Almost as if he was actually enjoying his job. How he's able to bring a smile to the face on every girl he comes across... If only she didn't work in this place... Maybe he'd be something he can look forward to every day. 

...Okay maybe she does have a crush on him.

And so does a lot of other women. 

Can't really blame them though. A guy who can cook, bartend, clean and always know what to say to brighten your day? 

She shakes off the thought. She shouldn't be looking for a pixie dream guy to magically whisk her responsibilities to herself away. If anything, she should be inspired by him. To be able to do the things he does well and be happier with herself.

Maybe even be friends with him and ask for his advice one day.

The only issue is... she doesn't know his name. Like at all.

She only knows his stage name: Viator.

The other things he has heard from his friends... who were practically like family to him at this point was that he had two sisters. Both younger who are still in school. He's a dropout who managed to land a job here thanks to his connections with the manager. And even he's close with her...

They do acknowledge each other's existence at least. Whenever they're on break, she'd have a little snack of macaroni. And he'd always buy her a cup of orange juice. Says it's healthy for her. She got used to it. Them just wordlessly meeting up at the back of the building having a small lunch break away from it all.

The clock hit 12. Lunch break for her and Viator again...

She sighs and smiles at her customers. False bravado seeping through her words as she says, "Alas, I must retire. My duties require of me to attend to matters elsewhere. You all be good and respect my co-workers here alright?"

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