Chapter 1: The Missing Archon

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It... wasn't working.

Why wasn't it working? 

His Water Jet... or as Paimon called it: the Aquacrest Saber wasn't working. Rising Waters or Wipeout as he called it didn't work either. 

He looked at his battle suit, the Rising Star as his home named it. The vivid blue that represented that he was currently resonating with the Hydro Element was... gone. It was replaced by nothing but a dull grey. Just like his Dull Blade.

He contemplated on the why that would happen. Something like this never happened before. But he didn't have time to think about that... If Hydro wouldn't work, then perhaps he could resonate with another element.

He hoped that those worked still.

He resonated with Dendro. The Element of Wisdom. 

His suit glowed in a vibrant green. Good. He coated his Dull Blade with razor-sharp leaves and slashed against the Meka in front of him. That wasn't enough. Only a sliver of health left until the machine falls. 

He attunes himself to Electro. The Eternal Element.

He dodges the hail of bullets aimed at his body. Holding three Thunder Shadows on his right hand, he tossed it to the Meka's head, turning it to red ash. He lets out a tired sigh as he fell to the sand below. Being drenched in sand and sweat doesn't feel great. Especially under such a hot day.

"Is... Furina having an off day? Or... is it just me?" He asked to no one.

Paimon was busy with something. Which was rare for her, but he trusts her enough to let her do her own thing. What he keeps doing is dangerous after all. But it keeps the Mora flowing, the blood pumping and the food coming. 

He tests to see if it's just Hydro. He would definitely hate it if Geo disappeared out of nowhere. Also Anemo. So he resonated with those Elements without the help of a Statue. His suit turned a shining yellow to a calming teal.

He tried once again for that blue. That beautiful and pure blue of Hydro. 

To no avail. 

'Maybe the Statues are being wonky today... Or...,' He didn't want to indulge in the thought. Nevertheless, he got up, removed the sand and dried his suit using the winds of Anemo and held his hands in a prayer position.

"Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Teleport me to where I desire," He chanted.

And so he was sent. To the Statue of the Seven in Fontaine in the middle of the city.

Iridescence Tour: 

The world famous Ast Rickley is one who would never give you up, never let you down, never run around and desert you. 

He looked around. The people were gossiping amongst themselves. Not only that, the Mekas were searching everywhere as the Gardes set up missing person posters. Fontaine was in chaos. And he felt like it's something he had to settle.

He's already used to being this world's errand boy. So why not look for this missing person that...

He blinked twice. He rubbed his eyes. Maybe there was some sand in there. No. That's stupid. If there was sand, it would've hurt. 

He could've sworn that... It couldn't be. He simply said, "Excuse me. Pardon me. I'm short." 

He gently pushed the people blocking his line of sight to the posters. Upon getting to the front of the crowd, he was stunned. This... never happened before.

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