Chapter 8: Rising Waters

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Once again, the books proved to be a useless source of information. 

Of course they were. Of course they were... Of course they were. 

Furina checked on the water levels of Fontaine. It's still rising. Only by 2cm. But that's just a reminder that it won't stop until her beloved city itself is submerged. If she hadn't stayed up all night looking for even the tiniest hint..., the fact that she's useless is enough to keep her up at night.

Aether opened the door. He took one look at her and sighed. "Breakfast is ready. Once your done..., take a nap." 

"What about my training?" She asked. 

"That comes after your nap," He left the door open for her to close as he headed on over to the dining room.

Delays. Delays. Delays.

It's her vacation. She knows, but if she doesn't do anything now...

It'll just be too late. 

"I'm more capable than you think!" Furina closed her book angrily and left the room. She wanted to slam the door, but... she gently closed it. Fearing for her life should she accidentally break it. 

Not that she's strong enough to, but just in case.

Wouldn't want to spend the rest of the day being forced to fix it now, does she?

"Your mood's in disarray. That's why I keep telling you to sleep," He opened the door and pulled her seat. "Now, my Lady... Do yourself a favor and treat yourself today. Nothing good will come out of you looking for something that isn't there. Trust me. I know."

Furina huffed. She sat down and took a bite out of her food. "You're lucky that you're a great cook."

"I aim to please," He smiled, smug as he dug into his meal.

"Paimon's starting to think that you're a married couple at this point," Paimon smirked. 

"WE'RE NOT!" Furina was snapped wide awake. She looked at Aether, who was looking at Paimon with a judgmental stare. "I'm too b-busy to consider marriage. Also, there's no such thing as an Archon marrying... getting m-married... Um... As far as I know."

"Guess you're just gonna have to be the first," Paimon casually continued eating, ignoring the fact that Aether was about to chuck her into a cooking pot. It was technically worth it. Her friend being happy is her priority. Her life is second.

"I-...Maybe... Once things are... relatively peaceful, I might consider it then," Furina continued to eat. "But... finding a consort is... next to impossible. Those type of people who can stand beside... an Archon are few and far between. And... it's..."

"Stop embarrassing her Paimon," Aether finished his meal. Now he just had to wait for the rest of them to so he can start washing the dishes. "Let her deal with that on her own."

"Out... Just out of curiosity," Furina interjected. "Have you ever considered it yourself Traveler? Settling down with a nice girl... Somewhere peaceful. In a world free from... all that troubles you."

"I have," Aether stated bluntly. "Teyvat has... extremely desirable women. But that's not going to change my mind about what matters to me. Family first. Everything else... can come second. Because once you've lived as long as I have, anything that reminds you of your past just becomes more and more rare. And all the more precious because of it."

"I see," Furina looked disappointed. She finished her meal and left the room. Too tired to get back to her room, she just slept on the couch. Out like a light. Almost instantly.  

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