Part 2

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After I left the music room yesterday , I couldn't stop thinking about that moment , it's not like I enjoyed it but I don't know man . It was 7:00 am, I put on my makeup and did my hair. I wanted to wear a skirt but I thought it's too slutty and people would think I'm not normal . I put on a tshirt and some baggy pants .

School started at 9:30 so I had so much time

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School started at 9:30 so I had so much time . I heard ringing from my phone , I saw it was f/n, she was calling to let me know that she was gonna come over since it was Friday , we always had this thing where when it's free Friday , we drive to school together . After 5 minutes I heard a ring on the door , I already knew it was f/n . I came down and opened the door for her . We did our secret handshake and hugged .
"Y/n what on earth are you wearing , it's Friday cmon wear something cuter"
I sighed
"Okay but you choose it for me" .

We both went upstairs and she was looking through my closet and I was scrolling through Tik tok looking at the time , it was 8:02 , we got and hour and 15 minutes to leave .
"Close your eyes y/n and I'll give you the clothes and you get changed in them"
I went to the bathroom not looking what she gave me , I put it on and walked out . I saw when f/n's jaw dropped , she was squealing , I still didn't know how I looked so I went infron of the mirror and looked at myself , omg what did she put me in
"F/n what is this!!!"
"What?? You look so fucking gorgeous , wha ya mean?"
"I can't go to school like that!"
"There's no dress code chill"
"No but f/n i cant-"
"Yes you can stop complaining"
This was my outfit :

 I saw when f/n's jaw dropped , she was squealing , I still didn't know how I looked so I went infron of the mirror and looked at myself , omg what did she put me in "F/n what is this!!!" "What?? You look so fucking gorgeous , wha ya mean?""I can'...

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( ofcourse the boots were not boots , they were some Nike dunks whatever you prefer) .
I took a deep breath and we both went downstairs to eat some breakfast . She greeted my mum and we both sat down . My mum made toasts , f/n's favourite , we talked for a while and then it was already 9:10. We put our shoes on , said goodbye to my mum and left .

While we we're driving , I got a text from an unknown person. I opened it to see a message that said , "be careful" I was shocked at first but then I tried to ignore it
"What is it y/n?" F/n asked
"Nothing let's go" I replied

After 5 minutes we got to school and said our goodbyes since I had maths and she had history .
I walked into class and saw everyone look at me and I assumed I was late.
(Sorry for the change of font idk why it did that )
"Am I late?" I asked
"No , we just started later , take the seat which is empty" I said okay and went.
Oh damn it great . It's him. The one and only e/n
I took the seat and sighed whilst ignoring whatever he was trying to say .
"right class , we have a new student , this is Bryan please give him a warm welcome" the teacher announced .
He caught my eye , he was tall dark and handsome , what else would you want
"Go sit right next to y/n , wave y/n"
Oh he was gonna sit next to me so that means ..

 Enemies to lovers || y/n and e/n || mafia Where stories live. Discover now