Part 9

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The next morning

E/n's POV

I turn my head to see y/n and I say get up putting my tshirt on , she mumbles
"Where are you going?"
Without turning around , I sigh before saying anything .
"I'm gonna go to the toilet" I say turning around to smile at her.
I see her jumping up out of bed as quick as possible .
"Your in my bed again?" She shouts
I raise my eyebrows shocked in her response .
"Ew ew ew and get out of my house!" She shouts once again
"Why are you being so mean all of a sudden again?" I ask.
"What do you mean? Your literally in boxers and a tshirt in my house" she blabbers
"It's not like we had sex yesterday and you moaned my name" I bark
"What? Your twisted , I would never have sex with you"
As she says those words , I'm in disbelief , I'm trynna figure out why but I guess it all makes sense , she drank sum random ass liquid yesterday , I guess she was drunk and doesn't remember anything , what a waste of time , why didn't I think of this earlier. I put on my sweatpants without saying a word to her.
"Where are you going" she asked angrily.
I ignore her and slam the door and leave.

I walked back home trying to rethink my mistakes . I don't want to see her ever again.

Y/n's POV

Im still so confused on why he would lie about me having sex with him , I would rather die than do that. I'm naked??? Ewww , maybe he was right , or maybe I was daydreaming , OR MAYBE I WAS DRUNK . This can't be happening .

I'm guessing it was school today , oh hell nah I'm late , or wait it's only 6:52 I have school at 8:30 .

"WE'RE HOME" my mum shouts .
Thank god he left . I proceeded to put an actual tshirt on and shorts and went downstairs to greet my parents.
"Your up early" my dad says
"Yea after mum shouted I definitely am"   I say not telling whatever happened a couple minutes ago.

I go back upstairs without energy . I pick out an outfit

I pack my bag and go downstairs to eat some breakfast

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I pack my bag and go downstairs to eat some breakfast . I decide to leave for school and go by bus .

Once I arrive I school I see f/n's friends waving to me , I couldn't see f/n tho. She didn't text me that he wasn't gonna come to school , that's weird . I go ahead and walk up to the girls ,
„Where's f/n?" I ask.
„oh yea um she's currently in the hospital" one of the girls answered
„Oh so she told you guys but not me? Is she okay?" I shout out worried
„She wanted to tell you but she didn't want to worry you" the girl says being guilty
„I'm sorry I'm skipping class" I say at once and leave but one of the girls grabbed my hand and said
„Don't go , she told us not to tell you"
„But I'm her best friend , I have to go"
„you can't yet"
*bell rings*

I cant believe she wouldn't tell me such things , now I'm gonna spend the whole worrying about it her and I can't even see her , how selfish this life is . I walk over to science class and sitting down in an empty chair , I read my book whilst waiting till the teacher comes .

I close my book and hide it in my bag knowing the class is about to start . I sit up turning to see who it is . The person had their back facing me .
"Oh it's Bryan hey! Are you okay ?" I say as he turns around.
"Uhh yea just a little tired" he answered giving a sarcastic tone.
"Oh okay" I shrug
"And you? how are you and your stupid boyfriend?"
I'm in shock of those words , what boyfriend ?
"What are you talking about?" I question.
"The whole school is talking about that you slept with him?"
"With who?" I shout
"WITH E/N" after that there was a loud silence in the room . Everyone turns to look directly and me , great . So does e/n who was in the class
"Mr Colberg, please do not shout in my class" the teacher explains .

Bryan admitted that it's not his fault , ofcourse he's just a jerk, jealous cunt. E/n looked over at me and I right back at him , causing him to make a dirty look  on his face . I got up to go the bathroom and walk into a cabin . I suddenly heard two girls laughing.
"Have you heard that y/n slept with e/n , what a whore , why would he ever want to sleep with a girl like her haha , hes kinda blind"
I slowly pull my trousers up after wiping ,opening the cabin . They turn to look at me and started running , they were obviously scared of me . I wash my hands and head back to class .

"Did you actually sleep with him?" One of the guys shout across the classroom as I ignore him.
"Can you just shut the hell up about these rumours , they're not true and I would never sleep with a girl like y/n" e/n announces .
Once I hear those words , my heart immediately falls , I don't know why , I don't like him at all , but why did it hurt so bad.

"E/n , Colby , y/n !  Detention now" the teacher shouts out. I mean it's not my fault I'm going to detention, maybe I did have him in my bed , don't know why still. , but it doesn't have to do anything with school, I'm getting punished for getting called out , what a bummer .

Sorry for the short story and such a long time , I'm trying really hard to keep up with this story , next story is going to be pretty interesting in detention , so get ready loves

 Enemies to lovers || y/n and e/n || mafia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora