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Word Count: 2076


Tay lays back on my bed, her head hanging over the edge as she reads from her book.

Since she found out I've been hanging out with Azura, she has been at my side for most of the day, everyday. I've acclimated to her presence, especially since we mostly just read.

I know Tay doesn't enjoy reading. I watch her skim the pages and sigh wistfully every so often.

Still, she hasn't asked to change activities. She's trying to appeal to my interests, which I appreciate.

"So, one of Kaan's close friends is coming to visit," she notes. The sunlight coming through my bedroom dances along the waves in her soft brown hair. She always has it down, wild and loose.

"Oh, who?" I ask absentmindedly, flipping my page.

"His name is Carsen. He comes from a nearby Pack."

I drop my book, looking at her. She's leaned up now, clearly bored of reading already. Her change in tone, the way she looks out the window, and the compromising colour in her cheeks tells me all I need to know.

"You're blushing."

"Huh?" She squeaks. "No I'm not..."

"Taysa, I'm no fool. I know a love struck girl when I see one," I note, not bothering to hide my smile.

Tay is a hopeless romantic. She clearly has a crush on either Saren or Zain, Kaan's friends, but this feels different. This is anticipation that she can hardly contain.

"I am not in love with Carson," she grumbles, tucking her hair behind her ear.

She gets up, like she can't bear to be sitting under my scrutiny. She wanders around the room, her dress swishing at her knees as she picks up random items around the room, examining them.

This room has slowly become one I'm reluctant to leave behind. Back home, I had nothing personal. My room felt like a barren prison, and now I'm here, in a bedroom full of light, with furnishings and items I've procured myself.

And I'm going to have to abandon it all...

"It's a crush."

Tay sighs, relenting. "A small one."

"This is great! Why don't you go for it?" I encourage.

My goal is to have everyone here settled and happy before I leave. Well, at least Azura and Tay. Kaan can look after himself.

Plus, if I leave, attention will sweep to Tay, and she will be expected to marry. She deserves love, and if she can secure a proposal with someone she really likes, then all the better.

"Because he's five years older than me, and is the only friend Kaan has been allowed to have according to our parents, so he would kill me if I ruined it," she groans, flopping onto the bed, digging her face into my sheets.

I lean forward, brushing at her hair.

"I can talk to Kaan..."

Tay jolts her head up, her large green eyes glimmering with unbound hope. "He would listen to you?"

"Ah, well I'm nearly his wife, right?" I smile.

She giggles, nodding.

Kaan will listen to me. For the sake of his sister, I think he has to.

The fabled Carson arrives mid-afternoon. We are all to gather under the pergola in the garden to have some tea under the burning sun.

However, the moment I see the man as Tay and I walk across the lawn from the house, horror crawls into my stomach, settling there.

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