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Word Count: 2453


I step into Kaan's room, looking around.

Last time I was in this room, I was pressed against the wall and he was on his knees in front of me.

I press away the thought as I step toward his bed. This room is beautifully simple, although it seems so perfectly Kaan.

He makes it to the door moments later, rupturing my thoughts.

He pauses in the doorway, eyes widening at the sight of me perched on the edge of his bed.

"Hunter..." he drifts off, like he doesn't quite know what to say.

"Sorry, am I not allowed in here?" I stand up. It's late, and I realise I may be intruding. We haven't exactly had a good stream of conversation recently.

Especially not since the night at his grandmother's place...

"Of course you are." He sobers from his surprise, but not his wariness as he presses the door closed. "Whenever you like."

I smile tightly. This is probably a mistake. Being alone with him in a room has only proven to lead to some serious problems.

"Thanks for sticking up for me." I rub my arm.

"Was I not supposed to?"

He gives me a long look, passing me to sit on the bed himself. I back away a few steps, putting some distance between us. I just came here to thank him, not to spend the night tangled up in the covers with him.

I just wish he didn't look so mouth watering tonight.

He still looks jumped up on his anger from minutes ago. His muscles are taut and his eyes are dark and brooding. He doesn't just look beautiful, he looks...sexy.

"No...I appreciate it. Honestly." I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I didn't actually mean for him to come up to your room to seduce you. Had he actually done so, I would have kicked his ass," he explains, rubbing the back of his neck.

I smile a little. "Thank you, Kaan..."

Shifting uncomfortable, I search for anything in my mind to break the tension. There are so many unsaid words between us.

"Are we really going to have to consummate the marriage?" I blurt out.

His eyes widen and he shakes his head fervently. "No. I would never force you."

I know we are mates, and this is a normal tradition, but knowing our marriage is in a week, and I barely even know Kaan is terrifying. Marriage is a title, it's an obligation, but it doesn't have to go as deep as sleeping together does.

"They will expect it though, won't they?" I fight the urge to chew on my nails anxiously. I really need to kick that habit.

"Sure. But I don't care." Kaan shrugs, his eyes a storm of residual anger. "I'm the Alpha. What I say goes."

I nod. I wish he had that stance about everything, and didn't let his parents make so many decisions about his future. I mean, if he really had a say over his life, he wouldn't be marrying.

Kaan clears his throat, pinning me with his stare. "Unless this is you insinuating that you want it..."

"No! Ah, I mean, that's not what I meant," I stammer to add, grimacing.

Why can I never say the right thing around him? Before I couldn't care less, because I've hated everything about him until...well, recently.

I'm not sure what has changed, but my anger toward him for causing this injury is melting away into something unknown.

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