This is Only the Beginning

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Sixth prompt for Seiusa Week 2023, Cosmos.

I went back and forth with this one a lot to use or not. This takes place after the final battle of the current arc (5) I am writing/mapping out. No clue what act it will be in the future. Minor spoilers, nothing too major. Just a few glimpses of what you can look forward to. ^_^

Sailor Star Fighter gently places Sailor Cosmos on her bed at the Silver Millennium. She rests the long white staff in the corner before she collapses on a chair nearby and finally allows herself to cry and release the tension of the past few days. An hour ago or so, it felt like her heart was about to stop when Sailor Cosmos turned to face her to mouth, "I'm sorry," before she...

Fighter stops. She can't think about it anymore and how close she was to losing the love of her life. She brought Sailor Cosmos back to the Silver Millennium to heal and be close to the Prayer Room if it was needed for any other injuries that were overlooked.

The Queen is sound asleep.

Fighter watches her for a few moments. They will have so much to talk about when she wakes up.

Even though Usagi has been Sailor Cosmos for well over a year now, Fighter is still in awe of the power she possess. Her abilities are well beyond what anyone imagined on Kinmoku. But those same abilities can become dangerous if they are out of control as she had witnessed more than she would have liked.

Sailor Cosmos' power is also drawing the attention of others Fighter wished it wasn't. This is only the beginning. A war is coming.

Sailor Galaxia had warned them this could happen. Queen Kakyuu as well. But Fighter didn't want to believe it. Sailor Cosmos was supposed to bring peace to the galaxy, which is what the legend foretold. There will always be someone that will try to ruin everything. Destroy or kill everyone. That is why they are senshi and the battle will never truly end.

Yet if Usagi was never Sailor Cosmos, their paths would likely not have crossed again. To Fighter, that would have been the real tragedy. Her greatest source of happiness has also been her greatest source of pain.

She lets out a sigh. Usagi will have a lot to deal with when she wakes up. Cosmos may not have physical scars but the emotional ones will be there. They may be the worse ones she has faced to date. These past few months have been full of so many ups and down for the Queen.

Fighter grimaces. Who is she kidding? It has been more downs than ups. So many unexpected events she never imagined they would have to face; including the incident which nearly ended their relationship. It is going to take a while to repair the damage and hopes their relationship will be able to go back to what it was. Sometimes it feels like it is hanging on by a thread.

That event... she grips her hands tightly across the pointed boot tip on her knees, it never should have happened. She slowly exhales. Being angry at the moment will not change what happened, they can only move forward. She just wishes neither of them had to experience so much heartache along the way.

Her own eyelids feel heavy now. Her exhaustion is starting to overpower any remaining adrenaline from the fight. Haphazardly she stands up from the chair and makes her way over to the bed. She lies down next to Sailor Cosmos and wraps her arm tightly around her waist, holding her close.

Seconds later Fighter is sound asleep.

SeiUsa Week 2023Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang