chapter sixteen

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THE FOLLOWING MORNING, they had all fled the manor to a glen tamlin took them to, seeking an escape from the events of last night. though the blood of the faerie had been cleaned up by the time she woke, carson still couldn't look at the entry hall without remembering the screams of pain from the faerie.

she sat upon the grass and pulled her legs up to her chest, staring at view with a light heart. she had never seen anything like it.

sprawling, puffy clouds flawlessly reflected off the river where tamlin and feyre swam together, while the grass beneath her felt like the soft blanket lucien had all but thrown himself on. endless colors, patterns, and light came together, forming a perfect place. a hidden beauty, far away from any peering eyes.

she was about to sprawl herself upon the earth when lucien suddenly cleared his throat. he was back to his usual snide self, but the longing in his eyes told carson he hadn't entirely brushed it away.

"about what i told you last night," he began, a hint of protectiveness drawing tightly into his voice. "it's not a story i share. i'd like to keep it that way."

carson cut a glance in his direction. he was leaning up on his elbows, underneath the glow of the sunlight. carson thought she might have been crazy, but the very beams of sunlight seemed to be drawn to him.

"i won't tell anyone," she vowed. "i promise."

lucien nodded slightly, still a hue of uncertainty dancing in his eye. nevertheless, he laid back down on his back.

carson stared at him for a moment longer. his story from last night replaying in a loop in her head. but she forced herself to turn away, to focus on tamlin and feyre, treading in the river of what looked to be ... starlight. she tilted her head, watching as tamlin dunked beneath the surface before coming back up, smiling softly.

feyre smiled back, and carson couldn't help but wonder what it was that was slowly building between the two. she had never seen feyre so happy.

beyond the river, stood an ancient, marble temple. with ivory pillars, adorned with growing ivy, that supported the dome roof. kneeling before the marble altar was cecelia, paying her respects — tamlin had mentioned to her. she did it every week, he'd added. as apart of a tradition back at her home.

scaling down the hill, and shooting an amused face at feyre while gesturing between her tamlin, carson made her way over to cecelia. feyre's cheeks tinted pink, and she quickly ducked under — avoiding her sister's curious stare.

carson shook her head with a silent laugh.

dandelion after dandelion, she crossed the glen, only halting by the time she made it to the marble steps leading up to the small place of worship. she could hear cecelia now, listing names under her prayers — she vaguely heard one that sounded like azriel, when she bowed her head before turning to glance at her.

"i didn't mean to interrupt you." carson winced.

cecelia waved a hand, her white dress flowing lightly with the humid, spring wind. "i was finished anyway."

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