🌺👚Death's Gentle Wings🌺👚

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Beginning Note: This story is cringe. I just want to warn you this story portrays God and Jesus as these "cool" dudes. This is an inaccurate representation of God and Jesus and I want you to know that this isn't how they would act. Though I will say God and Jesus are coming back soon, so prepare yourselves. Also this story is random. Idk what else to say besides this is just a weird story I created last year. But I am serious. Nothing about this is accurate about heaven, death, underworld, devils/demons, and so on. This is extremely biblically inaccurate, so just know this is a story not built to be accurate and that everyone in this story is not to be taken too seriously. Thanks for reading this strange writing!

The demon in the green Hawaiian shirt was puzzled. The damned soul of the mutt was gone...again! He groaned and rubbed his eyes. It didn't help that the annoying skeleton he didn't bother remembering the name of despite its simplicity wasn't here either. In the name of Satan, it made his job of finding this lost soul even harder. I can't believe God only needed one Death. Ugh! It's so annoying because I would make a better soul capturer than him! The demon in green Hawaiian shirt rubbed his face. God was certainly stricter on them than on him anyways. Why are we stuck down here doing a job that's clearly his? He's really been slacking. I wish God would just...replace him. But no!! God just happens to like him too much to do anything worse than read the dumb Bible to him!! How is that a punishment?

            The demon slammed his pen down. He wanted to just throw everything off to the side and jump in the lava that surrounded him and his buddies. And were they doing anything? No!! Why does he have to get all the impossible jobs? What use is a job like his anyways when he's doing paperwork that's Death's job?

The sound of goat hooves clacking gained his attention. What now?!

            "Did any of you idiots find him?!" Green shirt roared as he stood up, moving the table thanks to some unknown strength. He could hear his coworkers gulp in fear. That was good right? This better be good.

            "Uhhh," the pink shirted demon stuttered, his long goat-like horns trembling. He fumbled with his paws nervously. Another pink-shirted demon stepped up with a far braver face. "No, we haven't sir. Also, when can we take off these shirts? They're so annoying."

            The green-shirted demon groaned. These were not as hip as God claimed them to be. They were forced to wear these shirts as a punishment for allowing the dumb motherfucking skeletal diseased dog to escape; it wasn't even them who left the portal to the mortal world open.

            I just want to see Death turn to ash. The green-shirt demon saw red.

            His coworkers all backed away from him with fear in their eyes. Realization hit him as he realized now was not the time to get distracted by red flag that waved in front of him mentally. He took an unnecessarily deep sigh before he stood up, abandoning the dusty paperwork.

"Alright boys, it's show time!" He declared as he grabbed a nearby spear. His coworkers blinked at each other with shocked expressions before they too took axes and swords.


            "Meow!" A brown tabby meowed as a strange skeleton in a hoodie—the hood was up—watched from afar. He had a cliché scythe in his right hand, while the cat who meowed perched on his left shoulder, glaring down the hill below with disdain. The hill curved down in a lightning bolt pattern, green terrain filling it up to the brim in trees and grass.

The body of a hairless female dog laid at the bottom, located right beside a doghouse where a steel chain protruded the ground. Her ribs protruded out her like the skin peeled off. Death sighed. This was a hard job. But the circle of life had done its job.

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