Fatima: You nervous?

Zac: No I'm not ( lied )

Fatima: Sure you aren't, but you don't have to be nervous, I gotta, Just follow my lead.

Zac: Okay!

They met and greeted everyone. And walked around, had a couple drinks and conversed with a couple people.

Fatima: Come let's go dance.

Zac: After you

Fatima: Take a look around.

Zac: Who exactly are we looking for?

Fatima: Okay so don't make it obvious, but you see that guy over there in the red suit?

Zac: Yes, what about him?

Fatima: Well his name is Hosa and he's our guy.

Zac: But he's a lil man.

Fatima: He may be lil, but that man is powerful and has a whole army behind him. So getting to him isn't going to be as easy as it looks.

Zac: So what's the plan?

Fatima: The plan is to take him out without nobody noticing.

Zac: And how are we going to do that?

Fatima: By getting through Victor. And I guess you ask who's Victor. Well Victor is that man right there. Victor loves the women, in fact it's hard for him to resist any woman. So we bait Victor, we get closer to Hosa.

Zac: How exactly are we going to do that?

Fatima: With Isis

Zac: Who?

Fatima: You see that girl right in the blue dress?

Zac: Yes!

Fatima: Well that's Isis. She is an escort, and has been working with my family for years now.

Zac: Okay but we still going to need more people if we talking about taking out one of the most powerful man in here.

Fatima: You're smart. Look to the right of you.

Zac: Okay.

Fatima: Those men there are my secret black op team. They keep a low profile and only come out when there's a matter such as this one. And once the job is done, they're back in hiding like nothing ever happened.

Zac: Kinda like ghosts.

Fatima: Something like that.

Zac: Damn!! Remind me not to ever get on your bad side.

Fatima: Noted.

Zac: So who's the other guy?

Fatima: That there is Carlos. Carlos is nothing to worry about, he's weakness is drugs and money. You bait him with that, then we a step closer.

Zac: Okay bet. But what about the rest?

Fatima: They are nothing to worry about, I got them handled as well. Zac the plan is to do this as quickly and clean without being noticed. We can't have no slip ups whatsoever. Thats why I'm running you through it now, so when it's time, you'll be on point. We're not in the states, We are planning to take out one of the most powerful man in this country. So we have no room for mistakes.

Zac: I gotcha and hear you loud and clear.

Fatima: You better.

Zac looked into Fatima's eyes.

Fatima: What?

Zac: I'm just trying to figure out who you are.

Fatima: Wym?

Zac: I mean you're tough, powerful and the most dangerous woman I know. But who's the person behind all these layers that you try to hide? I know she's in there somewhere.

Fatima: She left a long time ago.

Zac: Nah, she's still in there. I just feel like you uses this Façade to cover her up, but I see her.

Fatima: Yeah you might be right. But even then, she too broken for anyone. And I'm not sure if someone's ready for that.

Zac: Is it them or you?

Fatima: Maybe both.

Zac: I see..

Fatima: We should get out of here.

Zac: Yeah, you might be right.

Fatima: Come on.

They finished up and headed back to the room.

Zac: So is there anything else I should know?

Fatima: No I told you everything you need to know. Now all that's left is to act on it.

Zac: Okay then.

Fatima: Get you some rest because you're going to need it.

Zac: Okay wifey

Fatima: You're something else you know that.

Zac: Goodnight Ti

Fatima: Goodnight Zac

They went to sleep.

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