Chapter 1 - The Quest

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Alex's POV

I laughed as we jumped around in the sprinklers. Who said this was a little kid thing?! I love water! It's also fun to have water wars... Which I planned for. I smirked as I pulled out a water balloon and a water gun.
"WATER WAR!" I screamed.
I had all my friends' attention now. They scurried for cover, but I pelted them with water balloons and sprayed them with my water gun.
"NO FAIR, ALEX!" James yelled.
I giggled as I continued pelting them with water balloons.
"GUYS!" Max yelled. "How about we go on a quest instead of having a water balloon war?"
I threw the rest of my water balloons at my older sister - Katrina.
"TAKE COVER!" Jared yelled, running off.
I followed as Katrina let out a shriek of discontentment. "ALEXANDRA ABIGAIL HENSON! I'M TELLING MOM!"
By then, we were far away. Since we lived on the edge of town, we kept walking.
"Wonder if there's anything out here," I said.
"Could be," James said. "But what if we get lost?"
"Then we'll be awesome wilderness survivors!"
"You do realize there's no cell service.." May said.
"May, we left our phones at home," Max pointed out matter-of-factly.
"Who needs a phone when we're on an adven-?!" I began.
"My feet hurt..." May complained.
"We're almost no where.. Anyway, like I was saying.. WHEN WE'RE ON AN ADVENTURE?!"
James sighed. "Fine... Where are we going anyway?"
"On a quest," Max said.
"To...?" James asked, crossing his arms.
"NARNIA!" I yelled.
Max rolled his eyes. "Wherever and whenever Alex finds something interesting.."
May and James looked at each other. "3... 2... 1..."
"Hey, guys! Look!" I yelled, running off.
They quickly scrambled after me, knowing it must be good, I guess. I stopped after a while. Something metal was here... Suddenly, I bumped into it, so focused on the ground that I didn't see the piece of metal sticking up. Suddenly, as I looked up from the ground, an elevator popped up. The rest caught up to me, and James helped me up.
"Thanks..." I said, eyeing the elevator.
"Are we going in?" James asked skeptically.
"Of course!"
"Alex, I don't know if-"
I stepped in and then the elevator lurched downwards. I screamed as it fell so fast that I was pressed to the ceiling and hit my head.

The four stood there, stunned, for a moment. As soon as Alex stepped in, it had disappeared in the blink of an eye, only leaving the memory of her screaming. James ran over and tried pulling, pushing, or whatever else he could think of to do to the piece of metal. The elevator didn't - wouldn't - come back up.
"Maybe we should go back and tell Mrs. Henson," May suggested.
It was getting dark out, too, and May didn't know how long it would take to get back.
"And leave Alex? Something happened," James said. "We should wait and try to help-"
"James," May interrupted. "We can't do anything. Let's just go tell Mrs. Henson, alright?"
James sighed, giving one last kick to the piece of metal before beginning to walk back. "I hope she's okay.."
"So do we," Max assured. Then he repeated softly, "So do we..."

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