Carissa's Memories

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Ava impatiently waited outside the pizzeria, buzzing at the front door a couple of times. With no response, she tapped her foot, growing increasingly frustrated.

"Come on, Carissa, where the hell are you?" she muttered under her breath. Ava had hoped that Carissa hadn't taken Mike's word when he told her not to return. After a few minutes of waiting, Ava decided to take matters into her own hands and jumped into her police vehicle, driving to Carissa's house.

Meanwhile, Carissa had made the decision not to go to Freddy's after what had happened. She believed it was best to listen to the person who seemed to have more knowledge about the pizzeria than herself. Just as she was about to get ready for bed, she heard an angry knock at the door. Though hesitant, she chose to answer it. When she flung the door open with annoyance, she was surprised to see Ava standing there.

"Are you stalking me or something?" Carissa blurted out, her annoyance evident in her tone.

Ava rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I've been waiting for you at Freddy's. Why didn't you show up?" she questioned.

"Because I quit," Carissa replied angrily. "Now, won't you just leave me alone?" Carissa attempted to close the door.

"Well, I guess then you won't ever find your father again," Ava mumbled under her breath. Carissa slowly turned to Ava, taken aback by the mention of her father. "I never said anything about my father," Carissa muttered. In a sudden burst of anger, Carissa pushed Ava up against the side of her house, gripping her by her police jacket.

"If you know where my father is, I swear to God, Ava!" Carissa shouted, inches away from Ava's face. Ava simply stared back at Carissa, not uttering a word. Carissa then forcefully threw Ava to the ground and sprinted to her car, speeding off to the pizzeria. Ava, still on the ground, reached for her radio, clicking it on as she watched Carissa's car disappear into the distance. With a calm voice, she spoke into the radio, "Plan successful."

Carissa burst into the pizzeria, her heart racing and breathless with urgency. She immediately began searching for her father.

"Dad! Dad, are you in here?" she shouted, her voice echoing throughout the building. As her words hung in the air, a faint melody drifted towards her ears, drawing her attention. For some inexplicable reason, her body felt inexplicably drawn to it. It was as if a mysterious force had taken over, compelling her to follow the enchanting sound. Her legs moved on their own accord, as if she was in a trance, drawing her closer and closer to the source of the music. But as she entered a dimly lit room, she regained control of her body. In the center of the room stood a massive box, with a Marionette animatronic protruding from it. Its long arms extended towards her, and its eyes glowed with an intensity that blinded Carissa. And then, she collapsed onto the floor, succumbing to a deep slumber.

"Dad, are you almost done in there?" Carissa's voice echoed through the empty hallway of the pizzeria, filled with a mix of frustration and exhaustion. She had spent what felt like an eternity watching over her little sister, Charlie, and her patience was wearing thin. She approached her father's office, the door bearing the nameplate, "Henry Emily: Owner," serving as a reminder of his authority within the establishment. As she reached for the handle, she realized with a sinking feeling that it was shut and locked, cutting her off from the answers she sought.

"No!" Henry bellowed at Carissa. "Go back out there and watch your sister!"

Carissa's heavy sigh escaped her lips, echoing through the hallway as her eyes wandered to the checkered floor beneath her feet. With a flicker of curiosity, she lifted her gaze and landed upon the entrance to another office. This time, the door proudly displayed a nameplate that read, "William Afton, Co-owner."

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