Chapter 8

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The moment you were out of sight Grimmjow had immediately bolted, stalking silently through your home, frantically looking for his escape. Rushing through your home he listened to the sound your voice, waiting for for signs of your return. Slipping into your bedroom, Grimmjow saw his saving grace. Unceremoniously he scrambled over your bed, paying no mind to the way he dishevelled your blankets before throwing the window open and climbing through to freedom. The instant his feet touched the ground, using every ounce of strength, he ran. His chest squeezing painfully under the sudden weight of responsibility. He wasn't ready. Wasn't ready for the conversation. Wasn't ready to face your decision.

He ran home, angrily cursing his cowardly retreat with every heavy footstep he used to escape. He needed to put as much distance between you as he could. Not stopping until he reached Urahara's place, Grimmjow entered the building, sighing in relief at discovering the place empty, the lingering smell of Uraharas cologne faded immensely, indicating the length of the others departure. Slamming the door closed, Grimmjow leaned against it to gather his breath. Turning his back on his responsibilities, on you, on his instincts. He wanted to forget, to feel numb to the overwhelming desires surging through his chest. That didn't go the way he had intended.

He had imagined.. he didn't know what he had imagined, but slamming you up against the wall, seconds away from ravishing you wasn't a part of it. Your mere presence had so much influence on him already, manipulating his desires so effortlessly, unknowingly. You were dangerous. More dangerous than any foe he had ever battled. For the first time, he wasn't sure he could win, Grimmjow felt like he had no control where you were concerned, his body betrayed him, his instincts betrayed him. Succumbing to his most primal of needs at the mere sight of you.

He didn't ask for this, he thought annoyed, slamming his already cracked knuckles into the metal door. Didn't want this. The painful throbbing was anchoring, needed in pulling his attention away from you. With an angry huff he forced himself away from the door, heading straight to the cabinet in the corner of the room. Urahara had a few bottles of alcohol kept hidden, which Grimmjow had every intention of drinking.

Selecting one, not bothering looking at the contents, Grimmjow pulled the cork free with his teeth, the small pop releasing the harsh smell. He spat the cork into the room, twisting bodily to fall back on the ratty old couch. He drank heavily, pushing through the burn sliding down his throat. A perfect distraction. It took a lot for Grimmjow to get drunk, but the fuzzy numbness was what he needed. He licked lazily at his bleeding knuckles, healing the split skin as he waited for the booze to drown his longing for you.

You still couldn't wrap your head around the events that had unfolded last night, mentally going over what had happened all day, picking out any minute detail to explain what the hell had happened. Grimmjow turning up on your doorstep, with flowers no less. The sudden rage he expressed via the gaping hole in your wall that was still sat there now. How you had crashed together in unadulterated, frenzied passion. Being in close proximity with the Espada was consuming, suffocating with raw sexual desire. It felt like whiplash, the back and forth of emotions tugging at you in different directions.

How had it come to this? What was supposed to be a simple mission, gathering information and reporting back has dropped a cart load of trouble on your doorstep. You rubbed over your face tiredly, struggling to pay attention to the workload mounting higher on your desk as the day progressed. You were mad. Mad at the gaping hole left in your wall, which you were determined to have Grimmjow pay for. Hopefully before Renji could see it. Seething at being left like that, unsatisfied and confused. He had began to tell you something, something that was clearly effecting him in some way.

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