Chapter 7

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Ichigo had walked you to work after Grimmjow had whisked Urahara away as quick as he had appeared. You talked much about nothing, he explained what kind of training Rukia wanted to try with her new subordinates. You had asked how his family was, laughing loudly at the stories he told you about his father and his early morning wake up calls, or "goat face" as he referred to him.

By the way Ichigo kept looking around, scanning the surroundings and the way his hand kept creeping up the hilt of his zanpakuto, brushing the movement off as scratching at his head, you knew he was secretly only accompanying you to ensure Grimmjow didn't return. Not that you needed a body guard, you were more than capable to defend yourself, even if it was only long enough to wait for back up. For some reason though, you didn't think Grimmjow would hurt you, intentionally that is. His brash manor and short temper has landed you on your ass more than once.

Ichigo left you near the Captains quarters with a lazy wave, promising to pass on your greetings to the Captain of the thirteenth. After you had handed your report to Captain Kuchiki, waiting patiently for him to scan over it and answering the questions he had, you were dismissed. The morning had flown by without any issues, catching up on the paperwork you had missed on your mission and catching up with your colleagues who shared the office you were assigned.

Word had gotten around about the fight between Ichigo and Grimmjow, speculation and rumours spread around like wildfire. Honestly, the men in the division were the worst culprits for that. You had heard everything from Grimmjow loosing an arm to it being a passionate argument due to unrequited feelings between the pair. The later made you chuckle, they sure were creative with their stories. Your stomach begging to rumble let you know it was getting close to lunch, after you finished this last report you would go in search for food.

You heard the unnecessarily loud footsteps long before you saw the murderous looking face of Renji as he stormed into your office. Ah crap. You had forgotten to ask Ichigo to leave out your involvement in the altercation this morning when he retold the story to his friends, most importantly, Renji. He folded his arms over his chest as he came to a stop in front of your desk, holding you in a stern gaze

"everybody clear out. Take an early lunch" he spoke to the room at large without taking his eyes off of you, shrinking in your chair at his disapproving look. The ones you shared the office space with quickly packed up their belongings and all but ran from the room at the command of their lieutenant, sparing you a guilty look as they passed.

"That wasn't necessary, I was just about to head out for lunch" you told him freely now that you were alone, paying no attention to the correct way to address your superior during office hours now that there wasn't an audience. Renji was hard to gage when he was angry. You couldn't tell if he was angry with you, Grimmjow, or the whole situation. You pointedly ignore his glower, taking your time to sign your name on the last of your reports, tidily stacking the papers and putting them to the side

When you had finally stretched out all you could do, you relented with a sigh, meeting Renji's stern eyes "what can I do for you?"

"You can tell me what the hell that was this morning , and why I had to hear it from Ichigo and not you" Okay, seemed he was pissed at all thee. You didn't want to have to deal with this right now, you thought as you rubbed your eyes, suddenly feeling very tired.

"There was nothing to tell you. Ichigo and Grimmjow got into a fight, I tried to stop it and got knocked on my ass" you shrug to make light of the situation, why you were getting your ass chewed out for Grimmjows short temper was beyond you. You hadn't started or contributed to it at all. That seemingly wasn't enough for your over protective friend however "Grimmjow ran off with Urahara, Ichigo seemed fine after, if you want answers, ask them"

Accidental mate Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora