Chapter XXIII: An Army of Five

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As Rainer looks to the skies he sees Maxwell ready to meet the incoming droids. Then to his surprise, he witnesses Maxwell shoot off his jetpack. It knocks the first wave of dragons back like bowling pins, even cleaving a handful of the droid's heads clean off their bodies. The attack wasn't finished yet. The jet pack continues to glide through the air, but this time it's directed downward towards another wave of dragons. Then back up knocking back and slicing through more of the enemy droids.

With a shocked look on his face, Rainer sees Maxwell volleying his jetpack back and forth on and through the enemy, while simultaneously throwing energy blasts at attacking dragons. Who try and blindside him from his peripherals. As Rainer sees this. So do the rest of the enemy droids.

The Dragons begin to ignore the minor targets and head toward the bigger threat. Both Erik and Ryan notice this. Bernard notifies Rainer who then tells Maxwell. All 4 gather around each other forming a circle. One by one they shoot off their enemies. But also at the same time, the enemy draws in closer. This was their plan.

As the enemies turn their backs on their original targets, Zachary has moved the last few innocent civilians out of harm's way. He turns to the enemies while they approach Zach's 4 allies and launches himself towards his companions. With the advanced powers of his new suit, he makes it in front of his friends before the enemies do. Then Zach unleashes a powerful attack beam through a weapon on his armored suit's chest plate. Now all the 5 heroes at the battle at the pirate reservoir stand strong side by with each other, guarding each other's blindsides.

Maxwell asks Zach, "Is that A sun Crystal!?"

He replies, "Something like that. It's a man-made version. Similar to Supremeo's original power source. You know? The one that War Hawk took from him." Maxwell, with a surprised look says, "Really? I thought there were only the 3 original ones. There was a 4th?!"

Zach Tells Maxwell, "Yes those are the perfected man-made stones. This sole one is a prototype. Its attacking output is slightly weaker than the purple crystal, and nowhere near the white ones Supremeo has. But it gets the job done. The bad part is its overall energy is laughable compared to both. So don't expect that same attack again. Because the signals are saying I've only got a few of those shots left until this entire suit will be tapped out of its main energy source. The stone can charge with solar energy, but the sun is on its way down as you can see!"

Then Rainer interrupt their conversation telling them, "Hey in case you forgot. I've got a variant of the machine virus coursing through my veins, and that variant makes me a walking battery. I don't need a sunstone, Sun crystal, or battery for a source of power." Then Rainer says with a grin on his face, "I AM THE POWER!" he continues to say, "I just fought off 500 of these so-called warrior droids with just me and my armor. I'm willing to engage 500 more because of the virus within me. I'm sure with my electrical tether ability, the energy I'd give won't affect how I'm fighting in this battle."

Zach says, "Well then let's give this a go!" Zach lets off another attack beam successfully mowing down another row of dragons. Then another, and another. He turns to Rainer to tell him to give the prototype stone a charge. But before he can utter a word Rainer tells Zach, "Don't worry about telling me when you need a charge up. Once my tether attaches to what I want to charge up I'll know! And instantly give you the energy." Zach says with a smirk, "Awesome!" Then continues to focus on the battle.

Minutes pass as wave after wave of dragons attempt and fail at taking down their enemy. Then the tides turn. Unfortunately, it wasn't the tides turning to aid Zach and his 4 companions.

Besides Rainer and Bernard, who have enhanced capabilities to aid them other than their armor, and weapons. Zach, the two Pirate brothers, and Maxwell are regular fighting-aged humans underneath it all. This begins to show at the most dangerous time of their battle. Erik slams a sword against the chest plate of a golden dragon. Only for the sword to stop short of cleaving it in half. Erik lets go of the hilt of his blade due to his body showing signs of wearing down. The pain starts at Erik's wrist, then his forearm, and moves up to his shoulder. Then to his back.

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