Chapter 14

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Kurhula's POV.

Today my heart is heavy for some reason that I don't even know about, all I know is that I have a very bad feeling. I just got inside the bed right now maybe if I sleep  I will  wake up feeling better.

In the middle of the night I woke up with an urge to pray very hard so I got down on my knees and started to pray it is like I was in a spiritual realm or something because with each word I felt strong and powerful.

I pray and asked the Lord to protect my family and I even the father of my children.  It's actually strange that I'm praying for him because he abandoned us but I already   forgave  and he is still the father of my children .

...: Mommy are alright?

Me: I'm fine baby.

...: But you are sweating and you look tired did you even get some sleep .

Me : don't worry yourself okay XONGi I will get some rest. Please prepare some porridge so you can eat with your sisters when the wake up.

XONGi: okay mhani but please get some rest you don't look too good.

Me: yes ma'am .

She laughed  and that  Laughter is what brightens up my day . I appreciate XONGi because she take care of her siblings even me  ,  she I so loving and responsible and I'm very proud of her .

XONGi: and  I love you !!.

She shouted while going outside to start the fire to prepare food.

I got up and went back to sleep because I was very tired  from praying the whole night .

*Phone ringing*

I'm startled by my phone ringing as I was about to fall asleep.  I reach out for my phone under the pillow and answer it without looking who is it that is calling.

Me: Yeah?

I asked in annoyance.

...: Hawu kanti ha lwa nah?.( Are we fighting?)

Me: no how can I help you who ever you please hurry I want to sleep

...:*chuckles* not a morning person I see.

Me: eh Mr can you please talk.

...: I thought by now you would have been able to recognize my voice by now , I'm hurt Kurhula.

Me: kanti I Mani?

I'm actually confused about the fact that the man even knows my name

...: It's me peter the school principal.

Eish why is he calling me the early dear God of my ancestors , ughh! I hate my life.

Me:  oh hi.

Peter: hi , how are you?

Me: well im still alive and kicking and so is my children, so I think I'm fine.

Peter: that nice , I'm fine too even if you didn't ask.

Me: *chuckles* but on a serious note why did you call me so early?

Peter : I wanted to ask you to be my plus one in my friend's business event and to also take you out for lunch tomorrow or any day you will be available.

Haibo deos he have a wife to do all those things with?. Man are unfaithful all over the world my dear God .

Me : I'm sure you wife would love to go with you to all of those things you just mentioned

Peter : yes I know but I'm inviting my friend this time around .

Me: I can't okay? I don't want to cause trouble in your marriage.

Peter: you won't be causing problems it's just friends going to an event together and having lunch together.

Me: I appreciate the fact that you invited me but I just can't come with you.

Peter: okay just choose one thing from the two at least.

Me: but won't it anger  your wife if she come to know that you took another woman to lunch?

Peter: No just live that to me , I will let her know that I am taking my friend out for lunch.

Me : but still how will people look at me when they see me with a married man eating lunch?

Peter: you just making excuses please choose from the two , I'm practically begging you if you were in front of me I would've knelt down.

Me: I'm sorry Peter but it's a no .

Jesus Christ I'm actually sleepy and tired but this silly man does not want to leave me alone I feel like crying.

Peter : okay come with me to the event at least there won't be people you know there.

Me : yeah I understand that  but I don't even have an outfit for that kind of event.

Peter: it's okay we can go shopping for your outfit today .

Does this man think that I'm charity case or something  just because I'm poor.

Me: no!! I can't let you buy clothes for me.

Peter: I insist because I'm the one who asked you to come with me after all.

Me:okay  I will go with you.

Peter: thank you so so much.

Me: but why don't you don't you go with your wife to the event?.

Peter: she is going to see her sick mother for two weeks so she can't come with me.

Me : oh may her mom get well soon.

Peter: yeah hopefully she will .

Me : ok bye we will talk soon.

Peter: bye don't forget that  we have a shopping appointment today.

Me: yes sir I will not.

Peter: hmm bye.

He finally hung up the phone  so I  put my phone under the pillow so I can sleep but .
Nxa! That stupid man  made me lose so many minutes that I would've used to sleep.

Hai idrama ayipheli bakwethu!!.

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