Chapter 6

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After bidding good night to our mom we went to mhan Ngobeni's house to sleep when we arrived there she welcomed us with open arms she showed us  the room that we usually use when we sleep here. She gave us food to eat but we turn her down because we already ate so I just put Respect to sleep because Rirhandzu was writing her homework and I wanted to study .

I opted to practice mathematics because some of Are not academically gift so we have to study hard to get at least good marks . Rhandzu asked me to help with her homework after finishing up the other one she was writing.

Rirhandzu: sesi  ndzi kombela ku pfuniwa hi ku thya ti fraction leti mavito.(sister can you please help me name this fractions.)

Me : Ok but rhanga uhlaya question kurhi yite yini. (First read out loud what the question says.)

Rirhandzu: yirhi what are the following fractions called?(it's says)

Me: hlaya ti fractions ta Kona hitwa.( Read out loud those fractions so that we can hear.


Me: that's a quarter.

Rirhandzu:Should I write quarter?

Me: yes.

Rirhandzu: ok 1/2.

Me : that's a half . 

I after finishing up with her homework Rirhandzu packed her books in her school bag and went to sleep while I continued with studying. When  the clock reached 23:15 I was really tired so even I went to sleep along Side my sisters.

I woke up at 05:00 to prepare for school , I first went to take a bath since the is a bathroom here I won't have to  have to make fire to warm up the water we are going to use for bathing. After finishing up I went to wake my sisters up so that I can help them take their bath too.  

Respect didn't want to get out of the water as always so I had to promise her to buy her sweets so that she can get out .  20 minutes later I was already finished in getting ready so we went to bid good bye to mhan Ngobeni  but she stopped us .

Mhan Ngobeni: hau why mifanba mi nga dyanga ? at least have a bite  , it is not good not to eat breakfast you know.( Why are you going without eating?)

You can hear the concern in her voice.

Me: it's okay mhan we don't want to take advantage of your kindness and we are used to it we will eat at school.
I said already walking to the door.

Mhan Ngobeni: Nonsense you can't go without eating.

Me: mhan we will be late for school.

Mhan Ngobeni:  please eat a little , it is not good for your health you know.
with that we all turn to the table to eat. after eating we went to school while walking my sister and I went our separate ways because  we don't learn in the same area .

when I arrived at school I found my best friends waiting for me together which was kind of strange because the are always at each other's backs. 

'Nwana mhan'(my mom's child) that's Musa greeting me.

Me: kunjhani nwana Papa?

Musa: I'm good and you my pudding?

Me:*Giggles* I'm good too bro.

'Can you guys stop pretending like I'm not here. That's why I don't like you Musa you always take my friend away from me.' That's  Tsakani whining beside us.

Musa: I don't have to take her fool  because I already have her.

Tsakani:no you don't you donkey! She said pulling me to her.

Musa: bring her back or else this donkey is gonna kick your butt . He also pulled me to him too.

Me: Guy chill okay ! I can be both your friend without you biting each other's head off.

Tsakani:  but I don't like him.

Musa: I don't like you too miss red butt chick.

Tsakani: you too dummy.

Me: can you two calm down it's too early to argue don't you think?

Them : sorry.

Me: it's okay let's go to class the bell just rang.

Them: okay.

We walked to class where we found it  full but the teacher hasn't arrived yet. 
While I settled down the nuisance of the school came to my desk as always .

' hey fatty poor dumb ass'

Me: what do you want Mihloti? I asked in a very calm voice.

Mihloti: I want to warn you to stay away from my man !

Me: calm down and tell who this man is .
Seriously I don't know what is her problem is because I  don't even try to get in her way.

Mihloti: I'm talking about Tiyani you big elephant!

Me : Ohh so this ruckus is for that fool?

Mihloti: He not a fool!

Me: okay you can take him I don't need anyway , you see he can't handle  an elephant like me because he's just a little fox but I'm sure he can handle a tiny little rat like you right! . I said with a smug while the whole class laughed at her .

Mihloti: you peace of shit ! She said already half way of hitting me when someone interrupted her.

'put that hand down and go take your sit!' that's  Mr Maluleke our Life science teacher.

Mr Maluleke: okay class can you take out your homework please.
With that my day went as always normal and boring.

Hey guys I just wanted to apologize for updating late but I promise to update as often as I can.

Please show some love guys by commenting,voting and sharing.

If you are reading know that you are loved by me .

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