
Start from the beginning

What the fuck.

Im turned on

Not surprised

Wanna see?

Hope Rin breaks your skull before you reach the last match 

(Shidou Ryusei sent you a file - Click to open)

- You had blocked this user -

You finally reached the stadium and walked through the door with a sweatdrop, this guy was going to haunt you for a while.


You received another notification and looked down on your phone while standing near the frame.

(One new message from Karasu🤺)

You were about to open it before receiving a ball right in your face making you fall back and out of the room.

You heard someone laughing and could already picture it being Igaguri and Raichi.

You stood up while wiping away your nose that was aching.

'I AM BLEEDING' There was some blood on your thumb as you rushed back in the room and saw the duo laughing with one of them being on the ground holding his stomach.

_Igaguri. You gritted your teeth as he kept laughing with his face against the ground. 

_YOU B*TCH FLEW OFF Raichi mocked as you took the ball from the ground.

_YOU B*TCH I'LL MAKE YOU EAT IT- You threatened until realising something. He wasn't the one who threw it at you. Hold on a second. You said confused as Raichi grinned while mentioning something with his gaze.

You followed his eyes and saw Kaiser standing further near the goal, his hair was pulled back as he seemed to be focused on something else, thus until you saw his head turned aside and him staring at you from the corner of his eye.

'Ain't no way.'  You frowned offended while Raichi set his elbow on your shoulder.

He was snickering while Igaguri was still on the ground. He ended up receiving a ball in the face too which knocked him down.

Kaiser walked past you and to the exit without a word, without hesitating you let the ball fall on the ground and kicked it toward him.

It hit him in the back making him trip forward while he set his hand against the frame.

He looked over his shoulder, he seemed pissed but instead of saying anything he simply left.

Igaguri was on the ground, Raichi was losing it, Isagi was watching from afar on Hiori's side while you were deep in thoughts.

'If this guy wasn't the German football prodigy he would've been a crazy striper'

|| _____𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍.......____||

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