Chapter 1

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The beginning
Samantha's POV: Second decade of life

"You must get ready, Samantha. The bus leaves in 2 hours."
My father's deep voice reminded me.
"Yes, father. This episode will finish in ten minutes. I want to be done with it before I continue preparing."
I responded to my father absent-mindedly as I continued to watch my favorite TV series on our brand-new Maganox TV. Lord Bradson sent two of them down to my family a few days ago.
Father calls me Samantha like every other person in my family, but some people in Fortune Town call me Sunlight, even though my real name is Samantha. This name bothers me a lot because it constantly reminds me that I am not even the owner of my own life.
I have never been in want since I was born, and it is not because I am the daughter of a king but because I had billionaires lined up in wait for my betrothal time, showering me with gifts till I was eighteen, the ripe age for bidding.
I should have been bitter I did not get to choose my future husband. However, I do not hold the betrothal against my family because maybe I am the Savior they had prayed fervently to have just like every other Loana child.
I do not know if I would have coped in a log house either, which is usually the typical home for most of the poor families in Fortune Town without people like me in their lineage.
My skin requires special care to glisten consistently, and my father confirms that only a billionaire's wealth can provide it.
If rescuing my family from perpetual poverty is what will also rescue me from a poverty-stricken life, then so be it.
I do not even think I will ever want another life for myself. My mother assures me that the life I will lead after marriage will be far superior. I didn't have to do anything extra other than comply with their warnings. Many females like me who were not born Loanas may never even have the opportunity to live in luxury their lifetime.
Greg and Jack are my only siblings, and I have loved them since the day I met them or so my parents agree, and have told me ever since I knew how to call their names.
My oldest brother, Greg, especially treats me like a princess. They all take care of me like royalty and see to it that I don't get even the smallest of wounds.
Everyone in my family pampers me, even Grandma Lucy, who is getting on in years. Maybe this is what I get for having skin so white and pale that even I get scared of piercing it with a not-so-gentle touch.
What bothers me again about living this kind of life is that I'm constantly aware of myself and on guard, and I've been raised to live like a billionaire's future wife.
People say I live like a queen and admire my life, but I truly live in a cage though, because my life is not even mine, and my owners will come for me and have me all to themselves someday. This is the price I must pay in order to live the life that my family has wanted for their entire lives and save my lineage.
My father claims that my future husband is the great Lord Bradson, the richest man in Craters State. I'm not even sure if he looks like a demon; all I know is that his family has been lavishing my family with wealth long before and after he won the bid.
He was the youngest blood among all the bidders and his Father had approached my Father long before he became mature, so I heard.
I am forbidden to ask about his looks for now. I am also forbidden from meeting him until I am of marriageable age, because if I do, he may not be able to reap all the benefits that come with marrying a Loana.
Everything I know about being a Loana comes from my parents constantly singing it in my ears.

"You must not be late, Samantha. Make haste. Have you prepared your luggage?" came Father's voice of warning again.
"Yes, father. Please, let me finish this episode before I continue preparing." I begged him once more, but this time I was looking in his direction. I gave him my usual pleading and melting expression. He smiled and left me in peace.

I'm nineteen years old now, and today marks the first time I'll ever leave Fortune, the insular small town I've known my entire life. They say it's a privilege that I'm leaving to experience the bustling city as well.
Lord Bradson has agreed that I should go to the city to further my education; after all, no billionaire would want a poorly educated wife in his family, or so I've heard. Lord Bradson's family is one of the most educated in Craters, so he insists that I learn from the best tutors available.
I still have the long scroll my father gave me locked away in my bag, containing what I must do and what I must not do as I embark on my journey to college. I didn't have the energy to read it; I'd be exhausted even before I finished. It will not contain anything different from their usual warnings.
The TV series was almost coming to an end. I yawned exhaustively as I stretched my body. Chopper brushed his furry body against my leg, startling me. I yanked my legs up to the couch. The poor little thing got scared and ran away. Cats are too slippery for my liking, and they always get in my space.
I turned off the TV and headed to my room to dress up for the journey ahead. I was nearly finished when my big brother Greg knocked on my door. Since my birth, he has acted as a sort of guardian angel for me. In fact, I regard him as my living guardian angel because he is full of wisdom. I guess it's because he is way older than I am. I didn't hesitate to open the door because I was already dressed up.
"Hello, big bro." As he peered through the slightly opened door, I smiled broadly at him.
"Can I come in?" he asked politely.
"Sure. I am almost ready to leave." I responded without hesitation. I always loved to be in his company, and I will miss him dearly.
"I can't believe you are leaving us," Greg spoke out as he entered my room. He sat in his favorite spot in my room, always at the edge of the bed. He loves this spot because he likes to look out my window.
"I am not leaving you forever." I countered. "I will always be back for holidays, remember?"
"Yeah, I know, but it seems like you will be gone forever. I wonder why Father agreed to this."
"I believe it is for the best."
"You are overly optimistic, but maybe that's what has been helping you ever since you were born."
I laughed, not sure if what he was saying about me was true.
I am fearful, even though they see me as courageous. I only have the will to not bother about things I do not have control over.
"I hope you have read the scroll that your father gave you." I could see him looking straight into my eyes to see if I would lie.
"I will read it when I arrive in Flourish City," I said reassuringly.
"Please take your time and read it carefully. It is very important."
"I know. Father has reminded me countless times."
The last thing I picked from my shelf was my diary as Greg's eyes continued to sway, following every movement I made. I knew I would miss him and Jack, but I was also looking forward to what Flourish City would offer.
I wait anxiously for Father to reveal my guardians.

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