Chapter 5

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"I get it entirely. Omkara is undoubtedly unhappy about being forced into a marriage he didn't want to be in, but that doesn't mean I despise him—he's my husband, after all.

I attempted to appear innocuous to Ishana, who would shortly meet Omkara and share my tale with him. When it did, Ishana's expression brightened.

"Miss Gauri, you're so sweet and mature!"

"You are so sweet, Miss Ishana, and your dress looks amazing on you today—no, I believe it looks amazing because of you."

I really do.

Whoa, is she really this gorgeous? I wish I could grasp on those juicy cheeks with my teeth.

Ishana, move in with me and get rid of Veer. I will see to you!

You must be exhausted, but I've been clinging to you for far too long. I apologise; you may now relax, and Omkara will visit you later.

Her cheeks had a cute blush.

Omkara and I were like brother and sister for five years, and I'm sure it's embarrassing to think about their first night together.

But Ishana, don't worry—that won't occur.

Ishana left me alone in the silence after I waved to her as she left.

Are we finally done with the wedding episode? Whoa!

I sighed, flopping down on the bed, and threw off the nightgown the maid had taken so much time to put on. I then soaked in the bathtub behind the curtain, which was located on the far side of the room.

"Ha, it's really hot outside."

After they had finished making love, the couple would wash themselves in the bathtub. Although it was a little warm, I loved going to the sauna in my former life, so it was the ideal temperature for me.

My body's aches and pains seemed to gradually go away as I soaked in the hot water.

"It's amazing that you can have a maid help you fill the bathtub because you are the daughter-in-law of a duke's family."

Even though Omkara was icy and Count Sharma was obnoxious, having this possession ended up being a godsend.

Without smartphones and the internet, it's a cumbersome world, but I enjoy comforts I could never have dreamed of as Shrenu.

There are books, plays, operas, ballroom dances, picnics, parties, and hunting competitions in this world.

I don't have to worry about my bank account balance, I don't have to clean up after myself, I don't have to go to work, and my brother isn't threatening to take out a loan in my name.

Would that I could just sever all ties to my family now.

Though Count Sharma is a different story. I am confident enough to live peacefully and enjoy my life in the Oberoi family without upsetting the main male character, the female lead, or even my husband, the second male lead.

Even if I lead a quiet life, I will be accused of being a family spy and have my head severed if Count Sharma acts in the way described in the original tale.

"This marriage is suspicious—it's a conspiracy, in fact."

In an attempt to dispel Duke Oberoi's suspicions that Count Sharma was plotting with Archduke Goenka, who was after the Emperor's throne, Count Sharma proposed a marriage alliance.

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