Chapter 1

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The majestic pipe organ strains spread out in concentric circles.

Guests in colourful robes filled the seats on both sides of the road , and the entire ceremony was filled with solemn dignity.

It was as formal as a duke's wedding in every way.

However, there was no sign of wedding-like joy or bustle anywhere.

'I believe it is more appropriate to call it a funeral.'

It truly is.

Both the groom's and the bride's guests have dark complexions.

'Please keep your facial expressions under control, no matter how uncomfortable you are. Is it just me who can do this?'

I must enter this frozen ceremony and stand next to a man who will kill me.

"Now, Gauri Sharma, would you please enter."

My entrance was ordered grimly by the priest, who did not know if he had come to celebrate a funeral mass or to officiate at a wedding.

Despite my mental rehearsals from yesterday's practice sessions, I couldn't help but feel anxious.

I moved forward at a leisurely pace, using my toes to gently tap the hem of my dress, as I had trained to avoid an unintentional stumble.

However, the issue with the wedding dress I'm wearing isn't the skirt.

My bosom... I understand that my breasts are lovely and large, but they are too visible.

I feel like something is missing to cover my chest because I'm wearing it for the first time.

"Isn't a sensual dress a little excessive on a wedding day, regardless of how amazing it is?"

Looks at me that betrayed negative emotions, as if I wasn't the only one who felt that way—disgust, contempt, disrespect, or lust.

I approached the man who would slit my throat one day, feeling the flakes of favour so thin that I was unable to feel them.

He didn't even glance at me, of course. I must seem to him like a punishment or a curse.

"Whoa, even though I didn't fall," The first step is evident.

I sighed with relief as I bowed my head slightly and bent my knees to show the priest that I was courteous.

With an indifferent nod, the priest started to recite a blessing prayer.

"All things in the world give thanks to you, Almighty , my God. I give you two blessings, lovely man and woman, who will create a cosy and joyous family in the arms of the Creator today.

Okay, so... It seems unlikely that I will be able to build a contented and cosy future with this man.

Whether I will be able to have a "happy or warm family" or a "future" is very unclear in this situation, knowing that a man who hates me is going to cut my throat.

However, there is no way for me to avert or reject this circumstance in advance.

I was in the body of a woman who was getting married in a week when I opened my eyes.

And how absurd the procedure was.

Bad luck never strikes by itself.
That was the events of that day.

Fallen for the Flower Snake of the Sharma FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora