Chapter 2

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"After you get ready, Master ordered you to stop by the office."

"Yes, but how?"


Unaware of what was occurring, I was forced to wash my face, comb my hair, and put on a chic outfit by this woman.

And I noticed something was really off as I stood in front of the mirror to check my cosmetics.

"Who are you?"

It was so strange how I looked in the mirror.

She's a Western woman with a gorgeous body, bright brown eyes, thick brown hair, and white complexion.

She appears a little thin, despite her beauty.

Making a good impression on someone who plans to request a refund is beneficial.

Meanwhile, memories of someone started to trickle into my consciousness.

A week from now, Gauri Sharma, a 22-year-old noblewoman, will tie the knot.

It was odd that people in the twenty-first century could still recall a noblewoman, but it was even more odd that her name was well-known.

"Gauri." Sharma Gauri. Where had I previously heard that name? Who is she? Wait, what? Not at all.

I recall. The antagonist in the Rofan book that I finished reading yesterday goes by that name.

It was a book with a Cider[1] narrator, titled "I Refuse Your Lust."

[1] A clichéd tale, typically referring to a free-flowing, thrilling, and quick development. Put differently, the world exists solely for the primary characters.

Fuck! Did I own the antagonist from a Rofan book?

I must have gone insane. The villain, not the major female character! No, I had before I turned into a villain!

"Please take a moment to wait in your room. I'll arrive once the lord gives me permission.

Ragini, the maid, said abruptly and departed without listening to my response.

I tried to calm my racing heart by quickly recalling the novel's contents. It's time for me to gather myself.

Ishana Rathore is the female lead, correct? The main male character is Veer Singh Oberoi.

Although I was surprised, I was able to swiftly gather my thoughts.

It was a novel that I enjoyed reading, so it's fortunate that I have a lot of memories of it.

Ishana Rathore , the female lead of the novel, is a bright, innocent, and beautiful girl like the goddess of spring.

However, handicaps[2] exist for all protagonists. She is the illegitimate daughter of Count Rathore and a maid.

[2] A circumstance that makes progress or success difficult.

The Count has placed the lovely Ishana on the family register in the hope that one day he will be able to exploit her, but her family disapproves and harasses her.

As the family's persecution grows worse, the Duke and Duchess of Oberoi, who have come to stay at the Rathore Mansion for a while, take her with them.

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