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- peiji's pov -

you could practically feel the sadness and gloominess that radiated off shion who sat on the cushioned chair in solon's dorm. i was lying across the end of solon's bed while jino was seated backward on the boy's desk chair and jaan, jakah, noa, and solon were left standing. i just laughed at the usually bright energised boy.

"i feel down," shion whined. 

"because of what sooha said earlier?" i asked the boy. he nodded in response. i guess he really was deflated about the girl saying she hated vampires.

"don't be sad," jino assured shion. "it's not like she said it knowing who we are."

shion let out a sigh as he brought his knee up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his chin on them.

"if sooha finds out about us," the boy started. "she'd be disappointed, right?"

no one knew how to answer shion's question because we all knew that he would probably be right.

"who cares if we let her down?" solon spoke up. "do you see now? i told you not to get closer to her. we're meant to stay with each other and each other only."

shion then let out a huff, cupping his checks with his hands while letting out a pout.

"but i wanna hang out with sooha!" the boy whined, again.

"why does she hate vampires so much in the first place?" jakah wondered.

"what human would like vampires? it's not a surprise that a human hates us," solon voiced out. 

"but we don't hurt humans," noa stated.

"what's the point of saying the between us? to humans, all vampires are the same. no one would believe that we're different."

"objection," i added with my hand raised. "i am a human and i know that you guys are different from those other bloodsuckers."

"but you're a witch so that's different to normal humans," jino mentioned before continuing. "we can't just ask sooha to believe us, unless we kill off all the other vampires or something."

"our only other option would be to tell sooha that solon is a vampire and then get ourselves out of this," shion expressed his bright idea. 

jakah, jaan, and i just laughed at the boy while jino and noa just played along with his suggestion. shion seemed a bit too enthusiastic for throwing solon under the bus about them being vampires. of course, it caused some bickering with solon as he was clearly not fond of the idea of being outed and sacrificed as a vampire.

jaan decided to step in to tone down the bickering between solon and shion, but of course, he also joined in teasing the boy who had been appointed as the sacrificial lamb.

"all right. enough fooling around," jaan told them with a blank face but i could sense the smirk that grew on his lips. "let's make that our plan b, and-"

"how is that a plan b?!" solon cut jaan off, not happy with the situation.

"first, we should try our best to keep our identity a secret," jaan suggested.

"right. and we should refrain from using our abilities." jakah agreed with him before turning to me. "you probably should too."

i nodded my head in response. noa moved to sit next to me on solon's bed, since i was now seated up from laying down, and rested his head on my shoulder. 

"if people find out about us," the boy next to me spoke up. "will they hunt us down again? we barely made i out of the orphanage"

heavy silence fell on the group that you could've heard a pin drop. i knew how hard it was for them to escape the orphanage. they told me not long after i met them. i was grateful that the boys were able to gain trust in me quite quickly. i guess it could've been because of the small connection we shared due to our past. but they don't know about that, yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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