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- peiji's pov-

today was a nice, clear, sunny day so i was taking in the afternoon sunshine by spending some time outside by the nightball field with jakah and noa. we haven't been out here for long. originally, i wanted some peace and quiet while doing some studying and getting fresh air but of course, i can never seem to do that these days. i bumped into jakah and noa on my way out to the field, since they were heading out there too, and they had decided to tag along with me. how rude of them, right? just kidding. i didn't mind since they haven't bothered me too much... yet. i'm joking. the three of us tend to find ourselves in this little trio. i'm only a little bit older than the both of them since they're like the youngest of the group, but it doesn't really matter too much. anyways, here we are now. i'm sitting on the bench right beside the field, studying, while jakah and noa are throwing a nightball between each other just few metres in front of me.

"hey, have you've heard about the new student?" jakah asked.

"only little things. from what i know, it's a girl and she'll be in grade 10," noa replied back.

"that's all i know too. it's really weird cause we haven't had any new students for a while. peiji, what do you think?" both boys turned to me, waiting for a response, but i was too invested in the papers in front of me to realise them. "peiji!"

i lifted my head to look at the two boys. "hmm?"

jakah tilts his head and gives me an amused face. "were you listening to what we were saying or was miss 'student of the year' too busy with her head in her books?"

"well, i'm sorry, mr speedy! i originally came out here to study in peace and the two of you just had to tag along, so you can't blame me for paying more attention to the books in front of me instead of you. plus, there's no way i'll be getting 'student of the year' because i'm not in grade 12 yet," i retorted back at him. i then saw jakah throw a glare towards noa who had started laughing at my remark.

"you might as well be. but anyways, we we're taking about the new student."

"right. well, i'll be meeting her tomorrow when she comes."

he looked at me confused. "are you sure? i thought she was coming today."

i looked back at him just as confused. "no, no. i swear it's tomorrow," i grabbed my phone to give it a look before widening my eyes and panicking. "crap! it is today and i'm supposed to be meeting her now!" i quickly packed up my things and shoved it all in my bag before making my way off the field. both boys were laughing at me the entire time "how the hell could i have gotten that mixed up?! anyways, i'll see you guys later!"

"you dropped you're ring!" jakah picked up my ring yelled out to me but i was already too far away to have heard him. he puts the ring in his pocket before looking back towards the direction i left. "aish, what would this girl do without us?"

"probably be less stressed cause we definitely hassle her too much," noa replied only to be hit in the back of the head.

"shut up noa."

"but i'm not wrong."


i had quickly thrown my stuff back at my dorm before speeding through the hallways to go meet the new student. the staff had told me that she'd been given the old dormitory that no one uses. which is sort of a lie cause the boys and i would use it as our hang out spot, but what concerned me the most is that some of our stuff is still in there. well, mainly the boys' stuff but that's besides the point. as i'm walking down the hallway towards the old dormitory, i spot heli open the door and walk in.

i wonder if he knows that the new student will be staying there. oh well, he'll find out anyways and then just keep her company for a few seconds until i get there.

"let's be friends," i hear heli say as i approach the door.

"s-sure. i'd like that," the new student responded, shyly.

i walk over and lean against the frame of the door while i gave heli a teasing smile and made myself known.

"befriending the new student already, are we?" i asked him. the two then turned to face me, shocked that i came out of nowhere.

"of course, since it seems you were running late to do so." heli smiles at me, to which he then received an eye roll from me before turning back to the new student. "i'll see you around. bye, then." he waved at her before heading off.

"bye...heli..." she trailed, sighing.

i turned my body to face the new girl who seems to be in her own little space. something about her seems super familiar but i couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"so, i see that you've already met heli?" she sort of jumped as i asked her. probably forgot that i was still in the room.

"u-uh, yeah. he seems nice," she said shyly.

"for now, at least," i said but then lightly laughed at her as i watched her face pale. "i'm just kidding. heli's a good friend of mine. anyways, i'm peiji." i held my hand out to her.

"i'm sooha," she replied, taking my hand and giving it a slight shake. what shocked me was that as soon as our hands had made contact, i felt a spark of energy. then suddenly, i was pulled into a small trance as some memories flashed in my mind. sooha looked at me concern. "um, peiji?"

"ah, sorry. i just zoned out for a bit," i apologised as i snapped back into the present. "also, sorry for not being here earlier. i kind of got carried away with something and didn't realise that you were arriving today."

"that's okay. i was just starting to settle my things before heli came in."

"i see. well, i guess i should leave so you can continue settling in plus, i have a few things to do since classes will be starting in a few hours. please, come find me if you need anything and it was nice meeting you. i'll see you around."

"you too, and thank you."

i gave her a small wave before walking out of her dorm. once i closed the door behind me, my mind when straight back to the spark and the memories that appeared when i touched her hand.

no it can't be

making sure no one saw me, i quickly teleported back to my dorm and made a beeline straight to the box i keep hidden at the back of my wardrobe. immediately opening the lid and taking out some of the contents inside, everything then hits me. i never thought this time would come and i guess it has been quite a while since i first met the boys so it was kind of obvious that this would happen, plus it's not like any of us would be getting that much older anyways. i shoved everything back in the box and put it back in its hiding spot. none of the boys had found this box yet and i needed it to stay that way otherwise they'd start asking too many questions. then those question would end up leading me to my absolute doom. okay, that was a bit over dramatic but let's just say that nothing good would happen if they found out that way. once the box was back in its designated place, i picked up the few errands i had to run before making my way to catch up again with some of the boys.

your highness, will all be together once again. but that mean, so will he.


author's note
you've made it to the end of the first chapter. definitely leave any thoughts and feedback. just a head up that i might be switching pov from time to time to fit the story better :)

another era... | dark moon: tbaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz