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- peiji's pov -

a headache.

that was the main thing that i could register at that moment. as well as a cool, wet towel on my forehead. not sure how that got there though.

i slowly opened my eyes, constantly blinking due to the bright sunlight coming in from the window. realising i was lying in a bed, i looked around the room, expecting to see the surroundings of my dorm. instead, i fould myself in one of the boy's dorm.

my arm rose up to grab the towel resting on my forehead, placing it on the table next to the bed. slowly lifting my upper body to sit myself up and rest my back on the head of the bed, my eyes continued to wander around the dorm, looking for anything that'll indicate the dorm's owner. everntually, they landed upon a framed photo of me and a certain red-headed boy. i took a sip of water from the glass that was resting upon the table, beside the wet cloth i took off my forehead. the photo frame told me i was in jino's dorm, but how did i end up here?

at the sound of the door handle moving, i turned my head toward the door of the boy's dorm as it opened, snapping me out of my thoughts as jaan's head poked out from behind it.

"hey, you woke up," he said with a sense of relief as he stepped into the dorm, closing the door behind him before making his way closer to me. "how are you feeling?"

"peachy," i responded, putting the glass back on the table. "a little bit of a headache as well as a sore neck."

"jakah, jino, and i found you in an alleyway near the square. you had slight bruising around your neck but it pretty much healed once we brought you here," jaan told me. well, that answered the question to how i got here. 

"why didn't you bring me to my dorm?" i questioned him. "and how long have i been out for?"

"about 16 hours," he said which made me widen my eyes. i was not expecting him to say that i was out for that long. "and jino wanted to watch over you. he kinda feels guilty for not getting to the square earlier as that could've prevented this."

"ah, right," i slowly nodded knowing that it wasn't his fault. 

before i could ask jaan about the whereabouts of the said boy, the sound of knocking came from the door before it opened, revealing jakah and noa who was on the other side.

"yay, you're awake!" noa exclaimed, rushing over to me so he could engulf me in his arms, embracing me. 

"noa, not so harsh. she, literally, just woke up not that long ago," jaan scolded the boy whereas jakah just let out a light chuckle at the boy's actions.

"sorry," the boy apologised. pouting as he unwrapped his arms from around me.

"where's jino?" i asked the two that came in.

"he went to let your teachers know that you wouldn't be attending class cause you weren't feeling well," jakah informed me. "he wanted to stay here and wait for you to wake up, but solon pretty much shoved him out since he's been beside you since we came back."

the mention of solon sent a small wave of guilt to rush over me. i was supposed to accompany him last night since it was the full moon.

"what happened yesterday?"jaan asked me, the three patiently waiting for my answer.

"i was on my way to the middle of the square to the spot that we were meeting up, but when i turned the corner, i bumped into da-" before i could finish saying the name, i immediately grabbed my head and brought my knees to my chest, gritting my teeth and groaning pain as it felt like my head was about to explode. 

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