Hou Yi's Inheritance

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She had stated that Tsimikas would give up any and all gains from the war. That the rest of the villagers could distribute the loot and land if they won. She also revealed that Tsimikas would bear most of the load in dealing with the stronger troops, so long as the villages followed their plan. The villages quickly came to a consensus and gathered whatever troops they could. Chances like this were rare. Since Tsimikas was offering to do most of the work without asking for any of the benefits, many leaders were enticed.

Many leaders even had thoughts on turning on Tsimikas once the ogres were vanquished by taking advantage of the momentary fatigue from the war. It wasn't just Duke who thought of wearing down human numbers in the area. Many assumed that Queen Abyss and the others would be tired, thus the villages colluded and plotted.

Countless teleportation magics were used. Alice and other information type class users collaborated and allowed the large coalition army to organise itself with frightening efficiency. Thus the stage was set for the grand battle!

Confident in his plan, Duke ventured into the pocket dimension with unwavering determination. As he traversed the ethereal landscape, he marvelled at the architectural wonders crafted by the archer deity. Every step brought him closer to the heart of the challenge that awaited him.

The trials within the dimension tested not only Duke's archery skills but also his adaptability and ingenuity. Facing treacherous terrains and intricate puzzles, Duke relied on his accumulated knowledge of military strategy, the teachings of ancient texts such as the Art of War, to navigate through each obstacle. His mind whirred with calculated precision, finding the most effective paths and solutions. Duke's ability to strategize became his greatest ally within the pocket dimension.

The challenges intensified, growing more arduous with each passing trial. Yet, Duke's determination burned brighter than ever. In the battle type trials, he unleashed arrow after arrow, his aim honed to perfection. His arrows soared through the air, finding their mark with unerring accuracy.

'These trials are hard, but they are all in areas I excel in. Do archers need this much strategic skill?'

Due to the sheer amount of strategy involved, Duke could have sworn that another archer deity such as Odysseus was involved, as he was more commonly known for his intelligence. As Duke progressed deeper into the dimension, his confidence remained unshaken. His preparation paid off, and he was confident that he would successfully evade pursuit from others if it occurred, leaving his trailers ensnared by the traps he had meticulously set. If he was the hunter, his troops would help him gain whatever was left of the inheritance.

HIf Duke got the inheritance and there were remaining pursuers, he would then lead them to a formidable force, waiting for them on the vast battlefield nearby. The peak level 99 powerhouse Merlin remained in Tsimikas in case enemies tried to attack it. Few knew of her true strength and Duke intended for it to stay that way. Woodsy's support skills and knowledge were very useful thus she would follow along and help Letty, just in case he was late. After all, Soul Chain Share could only be used if he was present. Thus without Duke, Letty and Alice would be unable of bringing out their full strength.

The spell could only be used by being of similar strength that excelled in different fields. Alice represented the mind, Letty the Soul and Duke the body. It was a contract type spell with a permanent effect. Thus Woodsy could not come in and replace Duke. But she could still overwhelm the vast majority of the users present. Treat Warriors excelled in fighting in any environment that had plant life. Any forest was her domain. If any of their 'allies' decided to backstab them, Woodsy and Merlin would give them a nasty surprise.

He had realized on earth that the greatest danger in a dungeon wasn't the monsters but other users coveting what you had taken. Thus he took no risks and planned ahead for such an occasion.

Within the final chamber of the pocket dimension, Duke stood face to face with the embodiment of Hou Yi's legacy. The archer deity's presence loomed large, a testament to his unparalleled skill. With an air of reverence, Duke approached the ancient altar that held the coveted inheritance, a symbol of his triumph over his own limitations.

It was a simple bow adorned with Mandarin inscriptions and flaming symbols. It radiated an intense heat that caused the air to become hazy like it was a mirage in a desert. Duke felt that if he could use that bow, no enemy would be able to stand in his way.

'Objects left by deities usually have skills or cultivation manuals attached to them. What will this bow have?'

As Duke reached out and claimed the inheritance, a surge of energy coursed through his veins. To his surprise, he discovered that the bow had been used by a long line of archers, and that those archers had left a piece of their soul within the bow. He felt a profound connection to the ancient archers that had come before him.

Their wisdom, their precision, and their unwavering resolve resonated with his spirit. Knowledge of skills and spells he had never used flooded his mental space. It was not an unfamiliar experience, but never had Duke received such high class knowledge before.

'So it's called the Sun Chasing Bow. Quite fitting.'

Hou Yi was a deity famous for destroying nine suns, so this was not much of a shock. What did come as a shock was what came with the bow. The bow also came with a contract offer. Whoever signed that contract would be blessed by Hou Yi, but in return, Duke had to leave a piece of his soul within the bow.

"It's now or never bro."

Duke's eyes hardened with resolve and he took his prize. The moment he agreed to the contract, inheritance bestowed upon Duke a newfound power, a power that transcended his former self. The power of divine energy!


Duke darted out of the dungeon exit, his footsteps echoing in his ears as he felt the pursuers closing in. With each step, he swiftly notched an arrow and released it, his precise aim finding its mark. As he fought off his attackers, Duke weaved intricate spells in the midst of battle, his movements fluid and graceful.

Duke did not have time to practice any of the spells from the Sun Chasing Bow's legacy. The moment he received the legacy and signed the contract, he came across an issue. The cultivation manual and most of the arts in the bow required one to have a yang type physique.

Duke had high affinity for yang type arts, but he did not have a yang type physique. Not only that, but his body was not strong enough to receive the full inheritance, thus he had only received a small portion of it.

The nature of divine energy needed a strong body to contain and channel it. Hence Duke could not bring out the full power of the inheritance he had received, much to his dismay. He had been disappointed at first, but quickly realized that he could still make great use of his newfound abilities.

Before he could come up with a solution, he appeared by the exit of the inheritance ground. Much to his expectation, he was being waited for by others. Thus, a chase began!

Duke made a dash for the forest without looking back and tried to remember the routes he had memorized. He decided to take the route with the greatest distance because he wanted to test the new spells he had learned.

As Duke reflected on his training, he hummed a tune to himself in a laid-back and humorous tone. He had always been a bit eccentric, but that had never stopped him from achieving his goals.

Despite his lack of physical talent, Duke was a rare type of archer, known as a mage archer. He had the ability to reinforce his arrows with mana, making them even deadlier. This gave him an advantage over other archers who relied solely on their physical abilities.

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