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Cedric was undoubtedly nervous as he walked out of the mouth of the cave, but he quickly snuck a glance at me and all I could do was nod. He was going to be alright, I told myself, sure an injury here or there but nonetheless mostly unscathed.

An ear splitting roar resounded from the middle of the arena and my gaze momentarily darted from Cedric to the silvery blue dragon that appeared, its long talons scraping and scratching against the rocky surface. Cedric bolted for shelter behind a rock as the dragon craned its neck before releasing a jet of azure blue fire, its heat radiating to where I was in the stands. Gasps of shock rang throughout the crowd as we all held our breath in anticipation. The dragon stood protectively in front of her eggs, her keen green eyes observing any potential threats.

Fortunately, I could see Cedric from my position where he pointed his wand at a rock and transfigured it into a dog, sending the large mutt to the dragon. The dragon, distracted by the dog, began chasing it, spitting blazes of blue fire. Cedric saw his chance and darted for the golden egg perched in the middle of the pit of eggs and he was almost there before the dragon realised it got bored of the dog and turned its attention back to Cedric, growling and snapping its jaw viciously.

Malfoy whistled. "Looks like your boyfriend is in trouble."

"Shut it." I hissed.

The dragon released a large blast of blue flame that barrelled toward Cedric in a force powerfully strong and fast, but not before Cedric grabbed the egg and dived for cover. However, the flame managed to snag his side. He stood up and held the egg victoriously, cheers and screams of joy echoed throughout the arena. Cedric was the first one to successfully complete the challenge, but he was injured.

The judges projected their scores in the air. Dumbledore gave Cedric an 8, Madame Maxine traced a large 7 in the air, Karkaroff shot out a 6 and Barty Crouch gave him an 8 as well. It was an overall total of 29. Pretty good, I will admit, although Karkaroff is going to be completely unfair with the scores for everyone that's not Krum.

Fleur was the next one to step out into the arena and she wasted no time, conjuring a harp to lull the Welsh Green dragon to sleep. Its soft and melodic music soothed and calmed the dragon down as it rested its green scaly head on its arms. A clever idea I had to admit, but it was boring. Fleur probably had the easiest time retrieving the egg, but as she went to pick it up, the dragon snorted and her skirt caught on fire. She quickly doused it with water, and soon the arena erupted in cheers again. Fleur was given a total of 29 as well.

The next champion to enter the arena was Krum, which meant that Harry was last. The Chinese Fireball was a feisty dragon and it was only when Krum managed to hit the dragon with a well aimed Conjunctivitis Curse straight into it's eyes that it shrieked in agony.

"A cruel tactic," I said, tutting.

"But look, Aydin, Krum was the fastest to the egg," Malfoy smiled.

And he was right, although the dragon trampled on a lot of its eggs, Krum still managed to get to the egg very quickly, and for his performance he was given a total of 30.

I leaned over to Hermione. "You know what this means right?"

"Harry is fighting the Horntail."

I could only nod my head.

"Fuck," cursed Hermione.

"Did you really just swear?"

Hermione sighed as she kept her gaze trained on the opening of the cave. "You think now is the time to comment on my swearing?"

The moment the tent flaps drew open and Harry stepped out of the mouth of the cave was when I almost forgot how to breathe. I already knew the result, but it was still scary to have to watch one of my best friends fight a vicious dragon. He glanced at Hermione and I and we both smiled at him for encouragement, he needed every bit of it. Harry began walking onto the field, not noticing the looming presence of the dragon next to it, chained and biding its time to strike. The horntail slowly lifted up its tail as Harry moved toward the centre and I screamed, "HARRY!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍 (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now