Chapter 4 - A meeting with a good old "friend"

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Apparently he was arrested for kidnapping and doing absolutely atrocious things to young kids, and because of his connections in the police, it took a long time to finally get him arrested. It only ended up eventually happening because he kidnapped a child of a person who worked for the FBI, and just five hours later he was arrested in his own house, while sleeping on a couch with a bag of crisps in his hand. For what he did he was sentenced to death, but Foundation came to the "rescue" to get him as a class-D personnel.

"Well, well, well..." He spoke with his classical shit eating grin. "Isn't that my favourite, lovely Y/N..."

"You are so fucking lucky the SCPs breached containment, because I was already asking our director to throw you straight to SCP-106, so I didn't have to see your ugly face Natas." I responded and closed my fists, ready to engage in a fight.

"Why are you even trying? You couldn't hurt me, even if you were given a goddamn knife!" - He started laughing at my face, as I prepared to jump at him, until I felt somebody's hands on my back.

"You will fight in a few minutes, but not with knives. With swords."

I turned around to see who said that and saw Abel with his muscular body, which made him an object of desire for all of our young scientists, guards and D-class. The gender didn't matter, many people wanted him, because there were only a few people who could compare with his masculinity, but Abel always rejected everyone. Usually a few weeks were enough for people to understand, that they didn't stand a chance, and for those who kept trying, the director would always say that romantic or sexual relationships with SCPs were forbidden.

Natas calmed down a little bit, but still gave me his disgusting look, before saying he would kick my ass in there. I wanted to punch a wall, but Abel spoke to me:

"I hate morons like him, and even though I shouldn't care about who wins, I want you to show him his place in the arena."

"I will." - I responded immediately.

"Good. I am counting on you." - He said before leaving.

Shortly after the competition has begun, and each person would fight all opponents in 8 different rounds. The first fight was Leif against a male D-class, who was well over 190 centimetres, or 6 feet and 2 inches. From what I remembered, he was put in here for twelve rapes and murders on women from ages between 16 and 22. A good example of people who usually end up as a D-class, but there were of course people with even more severe records in their lives.

As this guy charged, Leif immediately pretended to dodge on the left, and when he tried to move there, jumped to the right and swiftly pierced the sword through his private parts, which made him scream in pain immediately.

"Hey! No hits in the private parts! "Abel spoke before looking at 239, who healed the D-class. "I will let this slide, because I didn't specify the rules earlier, but no forbidden hits!"

"That's unfair!" My friend yelled, as the opponent began to stand up.

"I have got you now!" - He yelled and jumped, but this time Leif slid between his legs and hit his back with the sword so hard, that everyone could hear his spine breaking.

"I don't think he is getting up, first point for the scientist's team!" Abel yelled, and 079 has shown a 1:0 score for us. "Next fight, Natas versus Y/N!"

I immediately grabbed the sword, and having entered the arena looked at my opponent, who was way too self confident. Surprisingly, he didn't waste time for insults, as he jumped at me and tried to slice my stomach. I blocked, and jumped up before kicking his face, which allowed me to slash at his right eye. It went perfectly through it, and shortly after he started holding it, as fresh blood began dropping from it.

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