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"I'm getting the hose next time." Jess says with a laugh when you and Eddie go to the bar for some waters.
"That was so much fun!" You practically yell, still riding the high from performing for the first time in so long.
"You are awesome!" Eddie says and kisses you again.
"It was so nice to see you up there again. You certainly made an impression." Jess says with a smile and hands you a napkin with your water.
You unfold the napkin with a confused look then roll your eyes.
Ben's name and number is scribbled on it.
"He does know you already have his number, right?" Eddie asks.
"Yep." You say and put the napkin on the bar. "Just a fan I guess." You add when Tracy comes over and grabs his arm.

"You were amazing!" She raves as Eddie tries to move his arm. "This was such a good idea for the bar! You look great!"
"Uh, hi, excuse me." You say and remove her hand from him.
You turn Eddie to face you and away from her before pulling him close and kissing him deeply.

"You can go." You say to her when you stop and look around his shoulder.
She gives you a dirty look and huffs off as you kiss him again.
You flip her off from behind his back.

"Hey!" You and Eddie exclaim when Jess sprays you with the soda water.
"I warned you." She says with a laugh.

"Well, now I'm all wet." You say as you look down at yourself.
"What are you gonna do about that?" You ask Eddie, arms still around his neck.
"Don't make me spray you again." Jess says and walks away.

"Well?" You whisper to Eddie.
"I'm all wet now. What are you gonna do about it?" You whisper in his ear and give his lobe a little nip.
He looks around and watches as the guys come in and out from the alley to put everything away.

He takes your hand and pulls you to the bathroom.

As soon as the door is closed you crash your lips to his as he lifts you against the door and locks it.
You fight with his belt until you get frustrated and he sets you down to undo it. You slide your shorts off and he lifts you again, setting you on the counter of the sink.

"Oh fuck. You were so good up there." Eddie compliments as he slides into you. "You're so fucking hot."
He picks up the pace, slamming into you as you lean back on the counter.
You moan as he quickly moves in you, hungrily kissing any part of you he can.

You used to imagine this happening. Him realizing you liked him and he liked you and just not being able to wait, whisking you off stage to have his way with you.

"You ok?" He slows and asks.
His question makes you realize you were so caught up in thinking about the fact that you used to fantasize about this happening that you weren't even being present for it now.

"Yes. I used to imagine this. Keep going." You pant to him.
You aren't even concerned with orgasming, just enjoying it.

He pulls you closer as his thrusts get messier and you can tell he's trying to get you closer first.
"Ed." You moan as he thrusts deeper. "Just cum for me baby."
"Fuck." He moans then that deep, relieved groan as he twitches in you with his release.

"Ok, we have got to get out of here. Jess will kill us if she catches us." You tell Eddie as you slide your shorts back on.
"Worse, she'll tell Wayne." He replies then laughs at the horrified expression on your face.
"That's not funny." You say and lightly smack his chest.
"It's a little funny." He says with a smile.
You just shake your head as you try to listen at the door to discern if there's anyone lingering by it.
"Come on, we'll get out quick." He says and takes your hand.

You're relieved when the door opens and no one's waiting there until Gareth turns from the side to go in and smacks into you.
"Uh." He mumbles a little as he looks at the two of you then the door swinging shut behind you.
"Women's was full, had to stand guard." Eddie quickly says and starts walking again.
"Very smooth, Ed." You say and give him a kiss.
"Let's get you a piece of that cake before it's all gone." He says with a smile.

At home he helps you out of your costume, both of you completely exhausted. It's been a very busy week between moving in and getting settled. Turning the study into the D&D room. All the sex, everywhere. Eddie's new job. Setting up the garage for the band. The party tonight.

"Shower?" He asks.
You nod tiredly and follow him to the bathroom.
"You don't have to work tomorrow, do you?" You ask as you get in.
"Nope, day off so we can be lazy all day if you want."
You smile as you get soap on the washcloth then run it over him.
"Thank you. I had a lot of fun."
"So did I. I'm so glad you sang with us." He says and looks deep into your eyes. "I'm proud of you for being brave enough to do that."
"It felt really good. I'm sorry I was such a jerk about it before."
He shakes his head.
"I missed having you up there with me." He says as he hugs you. "But even more, I missed how you smile and completely let go when you're on stage."
"I missed it too." You admit as you hold the embrace.

"What?" He asks softly when you let out a contented sigh as he takes his turn running a washcloth over you.
"I'm just happy. I honestly didn't think this was ever going to happen after I left. Sometimes it still all seems so surreal."
"I know what you mean." He replies and kisses the top of your head.

You climb into bed after the shower. He pulls you closer as you wiggle your body to be as close as possible.

"Ed?" You ask softly.
"You know this is your place too right?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"You just keep telling people it's my place. It's ours. You can change stuff around if you want."
"I know. It just feels a little strange."
"Telling people we live together?"
"No. Just having all this room, living somewhere other than the trailer in general. And it kind of is your place. You got it on your own."
"You know I don't think of it that way, right? Just because it's my name on the lease doesn't mean it isn't yours too. I don't want you to feel like you're just staying at my place."
"I know. I'll get settled in, I promise."

"Maybe we could get some of your stuff out of the boxes in the garage then?"
"I can move the boxes."
"No. I don't need you to move them. I want you to make this your home too. I know we only plan on being here a year but you can get your stuff out."
"It's all just cheap crap. You won't be embarrassed having it out?"
"Ed." You say and sit up. "When have I ever been embarrassed by something like that?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I want you here. I want you to move in all the way."
"Ok." He answers with a smile. "Where did all this come from?"
"Tonight just got me thinking about how long I've wanted this. Us. I'm all in. I don't want you putting your stuff away like you can't still be you just because we're living together now."
"Trust me, I know. You made all this space for me here and I don't want to take it over. You deserve to feel at home too. Especially after not really having one for so long."
"I'm home. I feel it. Because you're here. You've always felt like home. And I don't just mean because I pretty much lived with you and Wayne. You're. Ugh. I sound so stupid right now, I'm sorry."
"You don't sound stupid." He says and kisses you gently. "I felt like part of me was missing when you were gone. The trailer felt empty without you."
His hand cups your cheek after brushing some hair away and he kisses you softly again.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

You both resettle and finally fall asleep.

Best Friends: Eddie Munson x Reader *Smutty*Where stories live. Discover now