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"Do you have to go to school today?" You whine as Eddie gets up in the morning.
"I'd stay if I could but I have some classes I can't miss. Last real day. Next week is pretty much half days and screwing around until graduation."

You frown, feeling more emotional than usual and not just the spike in bitchiness from yesterday.

"You have to go to that party tonight?"
"It's the last official Hellfire party. I'm sorry." He says as he looks at your sad face. "What's going on?"
"Ugh, I don't know. I'm sorry. Have fun tonight. I love you."
"Hey, you just said it and didn't even wince." Eddie says with a smile and kisses your cheek. "I love you too."
"I love you." You say again with a smile finally appearing on your face.

"I'll try to stop by before the party. Wayne is home today if you don't want to be alone."
You inhale deeply.
"No, a day away from each other won't kill me. Besides, I really need to do laundry and clean up. Maybe go for a run."

"You sure you'll be ok?" Eddie asks before leaving your room.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I really don't know why I'm such a mess this morning. Get out of here before I guilt you into staying."
"Alright, I love you." He says and comes back to the bed to give you another kiss. "Go take a shower, that always made you feel better."
"I will. Love you too."

You hear Eddie stop in the bathroom before taking off for the day.

When he leaves you drag yourself out of bed and to the bathroom. You turn the water hot and get in the shower.
You try to ignore your bad mood as you wash yourself.

'Fuck. Why do I always wonder what is going on when it's always this?' You think as you look down and see the blood.

You finish showering then dig under the sink where your products used to be stored, finding nothing.

You go to your room and find your purse with nothing and dig through your toiletries bag. Finally you find a single tampon.

After getting dressed you start to write a short grocery list.

"Hi. Don't be mad at me for assuming, but I thought you might need a few things." Eddie says as you look up at him from your list with confusion when he comes in.

He sets a couple paper bags on the table in front of you and starts pulling stuff out.

"Here." He says and hands you a box of pads and a box of tampons. "I noticed there weren't any in the bathroom."

You can't help but smile up at him.

"I also got what I remember being your go to's. We've got cookie dough ice cream. Oreos AND peanut butter to dip them in, cause you eat them like a weirdo. Cranberry juice, gross. And... What?" He asks when he notices you staring at him.

You get up and hug him.

"I love you." You say with a small laugh of adoration.
"I love you too." He says as he smile down at you.


"What are you doing here?" Eddie asks as he uncovers the bong he had not so discreetly hidden when you burst through the door.

"David's being an ass." You say and take the bong as you sit on the couch.

"I thought you guys had a date tonight." He says as you take a rip.

"We were supposed to but he's acting like a jerk." You say after you let out all the smoke.

Eddie rolls his eyes and goes to the small kitchen while you take another hit.

Best Friends: Eddie Munson x Reader *Smutty*Where stories live. Discover now