"Tikki? The goddess in the story?"

Tikki looked down ashamed. "The very same. I want to apologize for creating the pits. If they didn't exist, then you wouldn't have suffered."

"However, if they weren't created, I wouldn't be sitting across from you." I glanced over to Marinette who was drooling. "I also wouldn't have met Marinette. I think it was all worth it."

"The Guardian knows how to pick them," Kaalki said.

I laughed at her comment. "I'm not sure about that. You know my past after I came back from the dead. I brought so much hate and violence. Honestly, I think Marinette would be safer without me."

"She could kick your ass."

"Well, she has magical creatures to help her."

"Even if she wasn't wearing a miraculous, she would beat you," Tikki added.

"But she is so tiny."

"Great things come in small packages."

"I agree with you on that. Could I ask you some questions that might be somewhat personal?"

"I made mistakes and accept that. Ask away," Tikki said.

"While Marinette was telling the story, she said that the ladybug and black cat are connected. Sometimes they even fall in love. Obviously, Marinette wields the miraculous of the ladybug and my guess is Adrien wields the black cat. Do the two have feelings for one another but are not acting on them, so they don't have to give the miraculous up? Am I her second choice?"

The two goddess were silent for a moment before laughing. "I'm going to take that as a no."

"We can't actually tell you who wears the ring of the black cat, but the idea of Marinette and Adrien is ridiculous. The two are siblings from different parents who bicker over the stupidest things."

"But is Marinette in love with the holder of the black cat miraculous?"

"No, she's in love with someone else," Kaalki said while pointing at me.

"She's in love with me... Wait, how can Marinette love me when we've only known each other for a short time. She gonna realize that her feelings are crazy. Marinette saves people's lives almost everyday while I have taken some. I have control over Gotham's drug trade. I'm not good enough for her."

"Love is a funny thing. You can't fully describe it. Marinette had gone through a lot and learned whether someone is trustworthy. She told you her biggest secret, so it's safe to say she trusts you. Plus, Marinette can take care of herself. Jason, you did bad things in your past, but that does not define you. You have changed for the better, and Marinette feels so lucky to have met you. She's a blushing mess when she thinks about you. Never say you're not good enough for her," Tikki reassured me.

"You two are some of the best creatures I ever met. I have one more question that may be really stupid. So people believe in God. They talk about heaven and hell and where they'll go once they pass. The two of you are goddesses, so do you have your own version of heaven and hell? Have people worshiped the kwamis as if you guys are your own religion?"

They two laughed even harder than they did when I asked about Marinette and Adrien. "Most don't know we exist. Those who do usually treat us well, but we have no sort of religion surrounding us."

"That's stupid."

Our conversation kept flowing with all of us laughing and having a good time. It only stopped when I heard Marinette groan.

I raced to her side to hear her mumbling.

"Others must be worried. I have to text them..."

Marinette tried reaching for her phone but passed out once more.

"Even when she's on the verge of passing out she still thinks of others," Kaalki commented.

"It's ok Pixie. I'll let them know," I whispered.

"Would it be ok to text her friends with her phone? I don't want to seem creepy by going on it," I asked the two goddesses.

"I'll unlock her phone, and you can text Adrien saying she's alright. If he asks where Marinette is at, tell him the truth because he'd know whether it's a lie. Since Marinette trusts you, Adrien will start to as well," Tikki explained while unlocking the phone.

Right after the text was sent, I felt a hand on my arm. Looking over I saw that Marinette was still passed out, but her body was acting on its own. I smile at her silently laughing. Before I could do anything else, I was flipped onto the bed.

Damn she's strong. I laid beside her not knowing what to do. I thought of getting off the bed to sleep on the couch. However, I was pinned down by Marinette as she cuddled up next to me.

I heard laughter from Kaalki and an aww from Tikki. "Go to bed. You look sleep deprived."

I loved the conversation the three had. It was fun to write. What isn't fun is when your siblings find your wattpad account and the embarrassing stories that were written when you were twelve.

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