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(As darkness descends, a blanket of mist slithers through the streets, obscuring familiar landmarks. The pitter-patter of raindrops echoes eerily, like whispered secrets carried on the wind. )

(Shadows dance ominously, morphing into grotesque shapes in the flickering lamplight. Each droplet becomes a haunting melody, tapping relentlessly like the ghostly fingers of the past. The air grows heavy with the scent of damp earth, mingling with the distant howl of unseen creatures.)

(Streetlights cast long, twisted shadows that seem to stretch and contort with each passing moment, as if beckoning something unseen closer. In this murky veil of obscurity, every sound becomes a sinister whisper, every shadow a lurking menace, and every step a cautious dance with the unknown.)

"Well hey there. You guys must be thinking about why I am describing a rainy night on the streets right- because I am running on that street right now, obviously not for fun but to protect myself and from whom? Well I myself don't have any idea."

"I remember is that I woke up in a storeroom which was having a hospital bed and medicine etc and I started running because they started running behind me first. Funny right? But my life is more funny than this"

" Hm what if I say I don't even remember my name?" HOLY SHIT!!!!

(I screamed as I saw them very close to me and i started running faster than before.)


(I yelled at them and one of the men said)

" It's our master's order!"

(They said and I started feeling uneasy about something but I didn't stop running and the same goes with them)

" Fuck!!"

( I mumbled as I was out of energy. My speed was getting slow each passing second. And my luck, not good one yaar as I was surrounded by four cars and soon the people who were running behind me also reached. It made me stop running and rain was gone the only thing that was heard was my heavy breathing and to my surprise the people who were running behind me were not breathing heavily.why? Let me tell you- because they are not the same people. Fuck!!! When I was running from that storeroom, the people who were following me were completely different from these people.)

(My thoughts were broken when aura suddenly changed to dark one. And I noticed a shadow which was behind me, to my surprise I started shaking in fear, before i could think further, i felt pain in my neck as a sharp thing entered in my skin making me scream very loud that at one point i thought I made those people deaf. Black dots started appearing in my vision and I felt like the remaining energy in my body was snatched away brutally, my knees were getting weaker and last obviously I fainted.......but .... But I heard something before I fainted, some alien language i guess)

"Finalmente te atrapé."



( I screamed, not because I was kidnapped hehe but because I was in a luxurious room on a comfy bed. Fuck!! My butty was hurting when I woke up in that storeroom's bed but now I feel much better. I don't understand if they wanted to bring me into this luxurious house, they could have told me I just wasted my energy and that injection was very painful.)

(But what is the real reason for bringing me here and before this where was i? And why don't I remember anything before that?hmm, well I almost forgot the important thing what is my name?......... Anyways leave it let's wait for Mr. Kidnapper)

(I looked out of window and by seeing the sun i guess it must be time around 6:30am or 7:00. I didn't sleep the whole night. My stomach started hurting as I didn't had any meals, i clenched my fist on my stomach while closing my eyes, trying to bear the pain. I started walking towards the door while still clenching my fist on my stomach and I yelled)


(I screamed and again lost my all remaining energy. I slide down on the door while clenching more tightly on my stomach)

"I guess I will die here!"

(She mumbled and fainted again)


(The luxurious hall, your senses are immediately overwhelmed by the opulence surrounding you. The air hangs heavily with the scent of expensive perfumes, masking the faint hint of decay that lurks beneath. Chandeliers overhead cast eerie shadows that dance across the ornate wallpaper, depicting scenes of forgotten grandeur now tainted with a sense of foreboding.)

(While a man sitting on the couch, with his spread legs, closed eyes and spread hands having a girl on his lap , wearing revealing dress sucking on his neck while her one hand was holding his neck from behind and other hand was roaming on his naked chest but due to some unwanted noise He opened his eyes, which were a piercing shade of grey, devoid of any emotion. His sharp jawline lent him a devilishly handsome appearance, adding to his enigmatic allure.)

"Boss, he found her"

(He diverted his eyes to his bodyguard who uttered. The guard started sweating badly as he is aware of his boss's anger)

(The man on the couch pushed that girl away from him gently and got up from the couch and started taking his steps towards his guard. Just by seeing him coming towards the guard, guard fell down on his knees asking for forgiveness while tears started flowing through his eyes soon when the man was near the guard, he kneel down in front of the guard and let out a deep chuckle which made guard to cry even more)

" You know very well that I hate things which don't work by my plans or my orders"

(He said in his deep yet calm voice)

"Knowing this still you tried to betraye me huh? Why?

(As he completed his words, the guard's eyes widened in fear but before he could do anything, the man sliced his guard's throat by the pokect knife making the blood to spread on his face. He eyes turned more darker than before, he clenched his jaw and said)

"What you people think huh? That I will never know what is going behind my back? I dare you guys if I find any of you betraying me, I WILL CHOP YOUR BODYS IN THOUSANDS OF PIECES that your own family members won't be able to recognise you!!! AM I CLEAR??

(He yelled making every single guard to shake in fear but still replied)

"Yes boss"


Thank you for giving this book a try. It means a lot. English is not my first language but I will try not to make mistakes. The story is mine but the pictures are not mine, not all poetry's are mine. Please do not copy my work or translate it.

Once again thank you for choosing this book ☺️

And one more thing 😅 i would love honest feedback

Instagram 🆔 - hazel0028

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