Day Ten: Underground (HC)

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(guys i PROMISE i have more oneshots in the works i was just too tired after showtime lore today to polish and release them augh)

Similar to starborn, Planet cannot be underground for long periods of time. The longer he spends underground and the deeper he goes, the more fatigued he tends to feel. After a while (about 20-24 hours) of being underground, their body just completely shuts down.

Whenever they go caving, they usually either bring someone along with them in case they literally can't manage to mine something anymore or carry it back up to the surface. (Although usually his teammates try to NOT get them to go caving whenever they can. And insist somebody else can go do it instead.)

The physical effects are usually best shown by the glow that Planet emits, the longer they spend in the cave, the more the glow will start to dim/flicker. When their body shuts down, its at its lowest brightness, and you can barely see it. (the light never fully goes out until he's dead. planet isnt sure if the shut down can cause them to die, or if theyre just forever stuck in that state until someone gets them out. theyve never had to wait that long for help.)

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