Day Eleven: Confrontation (Oneshot)

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(a bit of s4 zam and planet being HATERS they hate eachother they want to beat each other to death with rocks also i think it wouldve been really cool if Zam was there when Planet took the flowers out of the trust ring :3 

hhh i dont really like this one that much but we move)


Planet knew Zam was hiding something up on the floating spawn island for a while now. They knew it since the second time that they saw him go up there. 

It wasn't because of anything that he had said. Or anyway that he had acted. It was just because of the fact that nobody climbs a hundred billion stairs twice unless they're hiding something. 

Actually, nobody climbs a hundred billion stairs twice unless they're PrinceZam and they're hiding something. 

But at the time, they couldn't really be asked to investigate. Because nobody climbs a hundred billion stairs just to look around. Plus, Zam probably has way more secrets then whatever he has going on up there. And that one probably wasn't too different from the rest.

Zam has a bunch of things going on.

So does Planet, so they're not gonna waste all their time on somebody else.

Even when he unofficially disbands Solar Union, and almost every time he's around spawn he can spot Zam either coming up the stairs or down. It's fine, because Zam's allowed to have his secrets, and just because they aren't teammates anymore, it doesn't mean he isn't.

But that changes when Zam betrays them.

Not in the way that normal Lifesteal betrayals work. Selling out their base coords, farming them for hearts, building some big complicated trap just to impress their new team. No, Zam doesn't do that. And maybe that's because he knows that it won't work.

That it won't hurt them, it won't hurt their team. He knows how to hurt them, maybe better than anybody else on the server.

He goes against everything that he ever stood for alongside them. He throws away all of his morals and does it for the entire world to see. 

He joins the side of everything that he had tried to destroy, everything that they, together, had tried to destroy. What, not only the two of them, but their entire team, had fought and died for. What they had been tortured for. 

And it hurts because all of those lives lost mean nothing to him. That all of their suffering and all of those hateful speeches towards everything and everyone that they had hated, what they thought was everything wrong with this server,

It all meant nothing.

Nobody climbs a hundred billion stairs out of curiosity.

Nobody climbs a hundred billion stairs unless it's out of hate.

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