Day Nine: Swap P1 (Oneshot)

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(aughghh ok its time lets go,, s4 planet gets to go first

For background info!! This is right when everyone else comes in through the crossover during s4 finale. There may have also been a couple other malfunctions with the players and the wormhole, but we might not get to see that till s5 planet makes his debut :3)


They're lingering at the edge of spawn. Not close enough to feel the effects of what Spoke was about to do, but close enough to assess how bad it was. They stand back a bit further from the rest of the group, being the easiest kill out of the four of them.

Parrot stands in front, looking at the small figures of Spoke, Mapicc, and Zam from across spawn, they were standing directly next to the wormhole, which meant Parrot's group was standing as far from it as they could.

Spoke says something, but Planet's a little too nervous to have any of the words reach his brain. He's already memorized all the quickest ways out of spawn, and now they're running through all the backup plans in his mind.

He comes back to the world around him when lightning strikes, which is exactly when everything goes to hell.

It gets windy, the wormhole starts to swirl. He thinks Parrot yells something at the same time as Spoke laughs.

They need to start running, they need to take Bacon and Jaron and pearl out of here as fast as they can because something's about to happen. They try to yell out to them, to tell them to get out. 

Nothing comes out of their mouth. Nobody's moving, neither are they. The whole world seems to have suddenly froze. Parrot is still mid scream. His teammates are half turned around, halfway to trying to escape.

Something's wrong.

He doesn't know what happens next, time seems to suddenly keep ticking, but only for him. Everyone else is still, but he's falling. He's falling and the wormhole is getting closer like it's waiting to catch him when he lands.

The purple swirls completely take over the sight of his teammates. And he feels the wind pick up. He can't tell if he ever closes his eyes or not, the sight of the wormhole seemed to have been painted onto his eyelids.

Planet gasps for air. Though they thought they had been breathing the whole time.

It takes a minute for the purple to fade out of his vision, but greens and blues slowly row to replace it. The darkness behind his eyes returns when he closes them. Everything seems like it's gone back to normal.

But it hasn't.

He realizes he's fallen onto the grass. Their arms supporting their weight from behind them as though if they weren't there they would just keep falling. He doesn't think he can manage to stand up yet. 

The sky is blue, that's the first thing they notice. Just plain blue. There's nothing there. No lighting, no storm clouds.

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