Day Seven: Meeting (Oneshot)

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(Authors note: First time writing a dialogue heavy oneshot in a while be nice to me please im warming up crying emoji)


Squiddo would say that she's familiarized herself with the legion base.

She kind of understands where everything is, which she considers an accomplishment with how messed up everything is. Half of the base is either rubble or probably has some kind of explosive in it. 

That still doesn't get them used to the inhabitants though, who seem to go out of there way to scare her whenever they appear.

Now, is one example of this. With Squiddo, in the middle of the night, walking through the dimly lit base to try and find something or other, when suddenly, something pops out of the ceiling. Right in front of her.

They're proud to admit, they only screamed a little bit. They're glad she had also set down some of the potions she was brewing. Because they would've broken them all over the ground if she brought them with her.

The only reason they don't freak out more is the faint white glow cast around the figure, which tips her off immediately to the fact that it's Planet.

(She remembers their first day on the server, hiding just under the ground. When that same white glow turned the corner, they thought that it would be the last thing they saw before they died.)

She's honestly not sure how they didn't notice them before. Weird how somebody who glows is able to hide in the shadows so well.

"Hey man-" She says, still slightly breathless.

"Hi Squid!" Planet replies. "Have you seen Spoke around here?"

Squiddo glances over her shoulder, as if he would be right there. Despite the fact that they haven't seen him around the base all day. He tends to be off, doing something or other in the surrounding fields.

It's always something weird. Like splashing a bunch of useless potions or fighting a mob that he really doesn't need anything from. But he seems to have some kind of goal in mind, so she leaves him be.

"No. I don't think so." She responds.

Planet sighs, rolling their eyes, even though they're upside down. Which just kind of leaves him staring at the floor for a few seconds. She watches his expression change, a slow mischievous grin forming on his face as he looks up at Squiddo.

It freaks her out, a little. If they weren't her teammate they would probably be running at top speed towards the closest exit. Because if the scariest player looks at you like that, you're either dead...

Or roped into one of his evil schemes, probably. 

"Well," Planet says, she could hear the smile in his voice. "I guess I could work with somebody else."

Okay. So it was the second option. That's good to know. 

And really. Since it was the case, who would they be to pass up the chance to work with the scariest player on the server, maybe get some free hearts out of it too? She knows a thing or two about traps.

"Go on." They reply. Sharing the same kind of grin that Planet was wearing.

Planet's light almost seems to glow a little brighter at that. 

"You wanna make a trap?"

"I always do, Planet."

Planet pushes off of where they were hanging from the ceiling. Unfortunately, it seemed like they hadn't actually thought out the landing part yet. Because it sends them straight to the ground. 

Fortunately, they land on their back instead of their head. He looks more confused then he does hurt when he lands. Which makes her not feel as bad for laughing at him immediately after she realizes.

Because really, in the nicest way possible, they really expected more of the scariest player. 

But when Planet gives them an unimpressed look, raising their hand up in the air as a silent gesture to help them get up (which only makes them laugh a little harder). They're glad that they can see a person there, a teammate, maybe even a friend. She's glad that he's a little more than the weapon that he tries to be.

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