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2 months until mock exams,
I would be lying if I didn't say I was actually
shitting myself. Felt like yesterday I was signing shirts and getting my gcse results and now I'm doing my mocks . Who the fuck is eating time.
I'm so scared for these exams man it's actually not funny I've spent the past week crying while POWER plays in the background .
I can't lie the only reason I'm watching that show is because of Tommy that man is FINEEEEE I swear he's the only reason I love white men. Him and Dylan o Brian they're just too yummy looking. The way my friends hate on him like he's not the finest guy to walk on earth hurtsss meee
Look at me rambling about men like I've ever spoke to one I'm so inexperienced when it comes to boys I swear I don't know how to spe..

"ANIYAH" she shouted
Wtf is wrong with you, you've been staring at the wall for the past 10 minutes" she sounded concerned

Forgot I was in school for second icl..

"Oh I was just thinking"

"Better be about our fucking exams" she said with an attitude

"Yhh it was dw"

Not like I'm lying it actually was . Well part of it

"Anyways lesson ends in 20 minutes wnana go get food after, what you feeling?" She asked

She asks this question like it's not the same answer everytime

" Lidil bakery!!!" - Me

"YEAHHH.. free food innit "

You can't blame me I'm a broke gyal with an empty stomach gotta do what you have to survive. Especially in this day and age mannn.

"Anyways.... Aniya babes ..."

I know where this is going .... Every single week she tries to set me up with some gangsta boy from god knows where .

"Layla nooo I'm not doing it, I can't and I won't"

"You haven't even seen or met him yet plsss"

She's not wrong but she should know by now that I don't talk to boys i just simply can't, majority of my followers are female I've got like one boy on my snap. That doesn't count because it's Jamonne.

"Ok... let me see my next  victim" I sighed

"Yayyy.. ok bacually he's mixed half Jamaican and half Tanzanian "  she said with a big grin

" just show me mannn I don't care"
I can't lie I was a little excited ykkkk

"Ok ..okk here"

She pulls her phone out and shows me a TikTok of a boy lip syncing to Dave's new song wearing a Nike tracksuit and his hair in long braids
I can't lie he was leng .. and he was my type

"He's leng, but Layla you know how I am with boys I just can't talk to them remember that time in year 11"

"BROOO!!! how could I ever forget u were soooo awkward I almost felt sorry for you"

"You're actually a snake you just stood there and watched me embarrass myself"

"Character development i can't mess with that shit it had to happen"

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