"Aren't all best friends like that though?" Lauren asked.

"I guess, yeah," Camila shrugged. "So you couldn't wait to see me to get some "inspiration"," Camila said, using her fingers for quotations.

"I just really missed you, that's all," Lauren told her honestly.

"That's sweet," Camila smiled at her.

Lauren glanced at Camila's computer screen and saw that she had been typing. "You writing something?" Lauren asked, nodding her head towards the laptop.

Camila looked at it and shook her head, "oh, I was just writing something. My parents and stuff." She shrugged.

"Can I read it?" Lauren asked.

"You can if you want. It's just something I do to help deal with stuff going on."

Lauren got up from the bed and read what Camila had typed.

Well, in two days it'll be three years. Three fucking years. I can't believe how much time has gone by. I still remember that horrible and painful day. I keep picturing their dead faces. I see them everywhere. There's a lot of things that remind me of them and I smile at the thought of them.

Every year that goes by it just seems to get harder and harder. It sucks. I'm not gonna see them ever again. So I try my best to make them proud. I wish they could see me and see how my life is now. All I really have left is Dinah and her family. Losing Sofi was hard. Then I lose my parents. My life has been hard. So fucking hard and complicated. Stupid drunk drivers. How could people be so fucking stupid? The anger I have towards that person is insane. I lost everything. Everything.

Lauren's eyes were watery once she finished reading. She looked at Camila who was looking down in her lap, playing with her fingers. "Camila," she whispered. Camila slowly lifted her head up and met the artists eyes. "I'm so sorry."

Camila slowly shook her head," it's not your fault." She whispered back to her.

Lauren brought her into a hug and rubbed her back slowly. About a minute later Lauren spoke, "can I ask you something?" She asked as she separated from Camila. Camila nodded so Lauren continued. "Who's Sofi?"

Camila looked down to her lap again. She sighed before speaking. "She was my little sister. Um, she was born a couple of months early. She obviously didn't make it," Camila looked up at Lauren with watery eyes. "Her name was gonna be Sofi, as you read. I was so excited to be a big sister. I was gonna teach her everything. I remember I was so excited when my parents told me that my mom was pregnant. I got even more excited when we found out it was a girl. It's easier to get along with girls than it is boys," Camila chuckled.

Lauren gave her a small smile and nodded while she rubbed Camila's thigh.

"Losing her was so hard and then I lost my parents. I lost everything," Camila began to cry. "I didn't know what I was gonna do. Everything changed. You shouldn't take your family for granted Lauren, you really shouldn't."

Camila wiped her tears with the back of her hand while Lauren asked another question. "So you went with Dinah and her family?"

Camila nodded, "Dinah and I grew up together. My family knew hers and hers knew mine. We were best friends. So I went them and then me and Dinah were gonna start school so we got our own place. Here we are now," she said, motioning to their place.

"Did they ever catch the driver?" Lauren asked her.

Camila shook her head. "No. They never caught that son of a bitch."

Lauren gulped and rubbed Camila's thigh again. "I can't even imagine how hard things were for you Camila. I really can't."

"Yeah. My life has been a crazy ride," she said as she gave Lauren a sad smile. Lauren squeezed her hand. "So," Camila began, changing the subject. "You wanna get some inspiration today?" Camila asked her.

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