Someone Who is Trying to Help

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   Ava's expression turned slightly nervous as she absorbed the information. "Interesting," she muttered, her mind racing. "I'll get on it," she assured Carissa, a glimmer of reassurance in her eyes. "You'll be safe to return later tonight."

   As Carissa firmly closed the door, Ava retreated to her police car. Urgently, she sped towards Freddy's, determined to catch the intruder red-handed. Pulling up to the scene, she spotted him, securing the gate. Stepping out of her vehicle, she called out with authority, "I knew it was you, Mike."

   Mike sighed, reluctantly turning around, caught in the act.

   "Give me those keys," she demanded, her voice filled with harshness. However, Mike clung onto them tighter. "Not a chance," he retorted, glancing down at Ava's name tag with a scoff.

   "I'm not kidding, Mike. Hand them over," she growled, her anger intensifying.

   "Why?" Mike paused, his eyes locked with Ava's, "So I can't be of any help to her?" He took a step closer, challenging her resolve. Ava stood her ground, unyielding.

   "If you interfere with this," she sneered coldly, "I will shoot you." Ava paused, taken aback by her own words.

   Mike hesitated, then muttered, "He really messed you up, didn't he?" His voice was laced with both sympathy and resignation as he slowly distanced himself from Ava. She stood there, a picture of frozen vulnerability, unable to find her voice or move a muscle.

   When Carissa arrived at the pizzeria for her third shift, she followed her usual routine before heading to the security office. She maintained a vigilant watch on the cameras, aware that there had been attempts to break into Freddy's. As she monitored the screens, the one displaying the main three animatronics suddenly glitched out. Frustrated, Carissa smacked the side of the monitor, and the screen returned, but something seemed off - the blue bunny animatronic was missing.

   "What the fuck?" Carissa muttered, her voice trembling with fear. Without hesitation, she sprang up from her seat and hurriedly left the security office. At the end of the hallway, she spotted the animatronic, its glowing eyes fixed on her. Instinctively, Carissa began to back away, but before she could react further, her arm was seized, and she let out a piercing scream as she was forcefully pulled into a dark room.

   "Let go of me!" Carissa shouted, struggling to free herself from the person's grip. As the lights flickered on, she recognized the man she had seen earlier, the one who had been tampering with the vents.

   "You," she shouted, her voice filled with anger and confusion. He swiftly placed his hand over her mouth as the sound of the animatronic's footsteps grew louder. When the footsteps eventually ceased, he cautiously removed his hand, and Carissa slowly turned to face him, her eyes narrowing. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded.

   He let out a sigh, his expression filled with a mix of determination and concern. "Someone who is trying to help you," he replied. Carissa stared at him, her confusion deepening. "I'm Mike," he paused, "Schmidt."

"Carissa Emily," she stated. He nodded in response, his gaze shifting downwards. A subtle tension hung in the air, noticeable to her keen observation. Crossing her arms, she decided to delve deeper into his demeanor, studying him intently. "So, Mike Schmidt. Care to explain why those robots are moving on their own out there!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with panic. He sighed, his gaze shifting downwards.

After a moment of silence, he looked back at her and uttered, "You need to quit this job." Firmly gripping her shoulders, he added, "And never come back here again, do you understand?"

   "Why do you care? How does any of this affect you?" Carissa questioned, her tone a mixture of curiosity and demand. Mike regarded her with a look that seemed to convey a sense of familiarity, as though he were gazing upon an old friend. He sighed, his eyes searching for the right words. "Look, I know a lot about this place, and I need you to trust me, okay?" he pleaded, his sincerity evident. Carissa couldn't help but sense the genuineness in his voice.

   "This is about those kids, isn't it?" Carissa muttered, her voice filled with a mix of realization and empathy. Mike's gaze shifted downward, and in a low voice, he mumbled, "That's part of it." He raised his eyes to meet hers again and added, "But there is so much more to it than that."

   "Then tell me!" Carissa exclaimed, her desperation evident. Mike let out a weary sigh and replied, "I wish I could." Carissa could see the fear lurking behind Mike's eyes, and she looked at him with genuine concern. He noticed her worry and swiftly adjusted his expression, concealing his vulnerability. Carissa couldn't help but notice this subtle change.
   The two of them agreed to remain in the room until 6:00 a.m., utilizing the time to acquaint themselves with each other. Surprisingly, they discovered a multitude of shared interests and experiences. As they departed from the pizzeria, Ava observed them from a distance, her gaze filled with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Carissa swiftly hopped into her vehicle and drove off, leaving Mike as the last one remaining. Just as he was about to follow suit, Ava approached his car window. He reluctantly rolled it down, muttering a curt, "What?"

   "You better have kept your mouth shut, Mike," Ava growled, her voice filled with a warning tone. Mike rolled his eyes, starting his engine, and replied, "Relax... I didn't divulge anything to her." He let out a chuckle before adding, "I simply advised her never to return to this place again." A smug smile formed on Mike's face, much to Ava's displeasure.

"That's it!" she stated sharply, her frustration seeping into every word. "I have given you enough warnings. It seems like you refuse to heed my words, but I know someone who can make you listen." Ava's smirk grew wider, her confidence unwavering. Despite her threatening tone, Mike remained unfazed. "Oh, please do tell him," he paused, sarcasm dripping from his words, "Officer." His glare pierced through Ava before he drove away, leaving her seething with anger, her fists clenched tightly.

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