Truth Or Dare #13

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Me: Hi everyone, welcome back to truth or dare. We got so many more truths and dares for me and the rest of the crew. Let's Go!

Blaze: Truth for Sailorneptuna: Would you want to be reborn as a hedgehog, foxbit, echidna, hedgebat or hedgecat?

Silver: I'm pretty sure she would be a hedgecat 'cause I played as her father in the series.

Sonic: Oh No, Silver. She would be a hedgehog 'cause she would need a cool father figure like me.

Shadow: I say she should be a hedgebat 'cause she would need the ultimate lifeform as her father.

Tails: Nope! I say she should be a foxbit 'cause I know that me and Cream played as her siblings, but I want to see how we played out as her parents.

Knuckles: I say she should be an echidna 'cause she would need a strong, defensive father figure like me.

Me: inhales exhales Comment down below which mobian I should be reborn in.

Tails: Truth for Knuckles: Does Tikal comfort you when you have nightmares?

Knuckles: She does comfort me when I have nightmares about Angel Island going down.

Rouge: Truth for Shadow: Do you wish you could've introduced Rouge to Maria?

Shadow: I would because Maria would like her as her friend.

Tikal: Truth for Silver: How sad were you when Blaze sacrificed herself away with Iblis Trigger during the Solaris ordeal?

Silver: Very sad, indeed. But now with Blaze here, I felt at ease.

Knuckles: Truth for Tails: Does Vanilla approve of you dating Cream?

Tails: Apparently she did approve of me dating her daughter.

Cream: Truth for Sonic: Do you wish you could've met Amy's parents?

Sonic: Of course. I would love to meet her parents 'cause Amy's a better person to me than anything in the world.

Espio: Dare for Amy, Cream, Tikal, Rouge and Blaze: Dress up as french maids and refer to your boyfriends as "Master".

Amy, Cream, Tikal, Rouge, and Blaze changed their outfits into their french maid outfits.

Rouge: Dare for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver: Command your maids to pamper you however you want.

Sonic: Come over here, Amy.

Amy: What is it, Master?

Sonic kissed Amy as he held her on the waist.

Tails: Cream, come help me out with my inventions.

Cream: Yes, Master.

Tails and Cream went over to the workshop to work on his inventions.

Knuckles: Tikal, can you massage my head?

Tikal: Yes, Master. Started massaging Knuckles' head.

Shadow pinned Rouge to the wall and Rouge started blushing.

Rouge: Master?

Shadow started kissing Rouge and wrapped their arms around each other.

Silver: Blaze, can you get two cups of milk?

Blaze: Yes, Master.

Blaze got the cups of milk and Silver commanded her to sit down next to him to drink with him.

Vector: dare for boom sonic:slap boom Amy's booty

Boom Sonic slaps Boom Amy's booty and Boom Amy's face turns red and slaps Boom Sonic across his face.

Charmy: dare for boom amy:boop boom sonic's nose

Boom Amy boops Boom Sonic's nose.

Shadow: dare for boom tails:your older then sticks right then tickle her everywhere (yeeeeep boobs and booty to)

Boom Tails started ticking Sticks everywhere on her body.

Blaze: dare for boom knuckles:spend the night with perci

Boom Knuckles: Alright, good thing I got my stuff ready.

Boom Amy: dare for sticks: if boom tails try to be a perv slap him

Sticks already knew that Boom Tails tickled her early and of course she slapped him.

Boom Sonic: dare for perci:let knuckles pat you

Knuckles pats Perci on the head, causing her to purr like a cat.

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