chapter 19

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Isa: down kitty your going back home. Isa guided the cat and unwrapped, the whip from the Sabers neck as it walked back into it's habbitat.
Tech: that is the last one and Rose was surprised by what happened at least she's alright. Rose walked over and hugged Tech on his waist as he put a hand on Rose's head then they all went back to HQ.

*at HQ*

the family walked in then wondered where everyone else was at then heard something go off, Tech answered the phone to see it was the mayor she wanted to know if Isa could do another one of her shows.
Isa: oh it would be an honor to perform another one of my shows this time Rose can see it, so thank you Mayor. once the call was over Tech and Isa smiled at each other and Mythia was on Isa's shoulder.
Tech: well this should be good you haven't done a show in five years.
Isa: i know but now Rose gets to see me perform i hope your ready to see it sweetheart.
Rose: i can't wait Mommy.
Isa: it's going to be the best one yet especially since my baby girl gets to see it, i have to practice see you two. Isa went to practice and she had got it down instantly and saw Rose wearing her hat.
Isa: look at you so cute. where did you find that?
Tech: i found it and i thought you could use it for your show. Isa smiled at Tech and kissed him as he kissed her back she knew this would be the best one yet.

*weeks later*

it was the day of Isa's show and she peaked through the curtain, as she held her heart knowing this would be tricky.
Isa: okay Isa just breath you can do this even if it has been five years.
Tech: your talking to yourself again.
Isa: (yelps) i hate when you do that you always to give me a heartattack you sneaky coyote. (sigh) you really should wear a bell your going to give the team heart attacks.
Tech: look Isa just relax Rose won't think differently of her own Mother. Isa playfully shoved Tech as he chuckled then Isa got ready to do her show by coming out of a flower this time.
Isa: welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and girls i hope your ready for the best show you've seen in five years so now on with the show. Isa waved her hand and a branch came out as she stepped on it then did few flips and tricks to impress the kids, once the show was over everyone cheered and Isa had vines bring the team and her family over as she was sitting on the branch.
Isa: thank you everyone for coming to the show and i'm glad you loved it especially my little girl Rose, she means the world too me and her Father Tech. have a safe trip home everyone good bye now it's time for us to go. the crowd all left and Isa kissed Tech on his cheek which made him smile.
Ace: that was great.

Lexi: sure was and i think Rose loved it alot.
Isa: did you enjoy it sweetie?
Rose: i did Mommy that was the most amazing show i had ever seen! Tech and Isa both laughed as they held her close while everyone laughed.
Ace: let's head home. they all went home until an explosion happened Tech and Isa both stood in front of Rose as they were going to keep their daughter safe.
Tech: Rev get Rose home we can't have her here while we're fighting. (looks at Isa) we need to come up with a plan and fast.
Isa: i know but how? (sees something) Ace look out move! Ace jumped out of the way and they all started fighting which was not as easy and they had finished it up then Isa put her goggles on to see something was coming, she pushed Tech and Duck out of the way but got hit by the metal it was sticking out of her torso.
Duck: Isa why did you shove us? Isa you alright? Isa fell to the ground passed out due to how much pain she was in Tech ran over to Isa and held her close, he pulled out the metal which made Isa scream in pain.
Tech: it'll be alright Isa we're gonna get you too the hospital i promise.
Isa: ngh i hope so but i feel so tired.
Ace: that's due to blood loss we have to make she doesn't loose anymore of her blood, hurry Rev get her there now. Rev gently picked up Isa as she held onto Rev as he ran to the hospital.

*mini time skip*

Tech and Rose walked into the hosptial to see Isa she was resting then saw both her daughter and husband.
Isa: hey guys.
Rose: Mommy.
Tech: how do you feel?
Isa: sore but ar least i'm alright. Rose climbed onto the bed and sat down next to Isa as she held Rose's hand, then felt Tech give her a kiss on the forehead.
Tech: i'm glad your alright.
Rose: me too Mommy.
Isa: well i shoud be out soon i had to get my wound stitched up but i'm okay now, so don't worry my precious flower i will be alright. we just have to wait until the doctor says i can go home.
Tech: until then Rose and i will come and visit you when we can.
Isa: and i would love to see you both more. the doctor came and checked on Isa and told her to take it easy as she nodded then got helped up and she got dressed Tech helped Isa walk out of the hospital.
Tech: i was thinking that we could use a family vacation.
Isa: are you sure Tech i mean we have to help the team.
Tech: i'm sure of it and Ace agreed with me plus there hasn't been any sign of the villians they're all locked up, so we're all going to take a vacation it was decided after i upgraded the security system for the prison.

Isa: alright alright but you know the best place to go on vacation.
Tech: right then let's head home and pack up. the whole family went back to HQ and packed up their bags then climbed into the Loonaporter as they all left for vacation.

*at Charlie's island*

everyone was on the beach enjoying some fun in the sun and Rose was being tossed in the air by Slam then was set down on the ground, Charlie came over and waved at everyone Rose ran to her then gave Charlie a hug.
Charlie: oh i have missed so much.
Rose: i missed you too Aunt Charlie. Tech was enjoying laying on a beach chair until something blocked the sun only to see it was Isa, above him as she was smiling at her husband.
Isa: you look relaxed.
Tech: i am but i'm guessing your stitches were taken out?
Isa: they were and now i just have a scar. but care to join me in the water? Tech watched as Isa took off her cover and ran straight into the water then wonder what she was planning.
Ace: she's not messing with you Tech go swim with your wife.
Tech: alright but she won't know it's me. Tech dove into the water and swam up grabbed Isa by her waist as she screamed from the surprise.
Isa: Tech you goof! Tech put Isa down in the water as she swam up to Tech and kissed Tech as he kissed her back, they broke the kiss and smiled at each other then swam up to shore so they could relax more.

Tech: do you also know what today is Isa?
Isa: no.
Tech: it's our anniversary today
Isa: (smirks) of course i remember Tech i was messing with you. Isa's tail slid under Tech's chin which made shivers go through his body Tech playfully growled and grabbed Isa by her waist, which made her scream and caught everyone's attention they all saw what was going on. Tech had Isa in his arms as she was trying to get out of his grip but nothing was working.
Isa: Tech put me down!
Tech: not a chance (throws Isa over shoulder) we are going to spend our anniverasary alone together.
Isa: your not planning on having another pup are you?
Tech: not at the moment but one day we will.

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