chapter 9

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Tech: sorry but i just got back from the mission.
Isa: i know Angela told me to recover but i am going stir crazy in here.
Tech: don't make me do the one thing you hate Isa. Isa froze and looked at Tech then ran out of her lab with Tech running behind her as she screamed then used a couple vines to hide from Tech which was working for a bit, until she saw the vine that was holding her was about to snap.
Isa: oh crap. the vine snapped and Isa fell on the ground which hurt for her then Tech saw it which made him laugh a bit.
Tech: tried to hide with the vines didn't you?
Isa: (growls) so what if i did like i said Tech i'm going stir crazy. Ace just had to hide my suit along with my goggles Lexi took my whip and i am about to straight leave this tower, i am going completly insane! Tech held Isa to help calm her down but it wasn't working Isa just stormed out of HQ which confused everyone.
Lexi: uh what just happened?
Tech: Isa was going stir crazy and she just stormed out of her room.
Ace: alright let's go find her Angela is coming for an appointment so we gotta go find Isa. they all left and tried to find Isa but she has her ways to hide from Rev's power, she walked away then tried to calm her nerves.
Isa: great now their trying to find me i just need my space.

Lexi: i heard that. Isa ran then was caught by Rev as she struggled against him then was tied up Isa was trying to get away from, everyone but it was no use she growled at them then tried to bite Ace.
Duck: i thought the parasite was out of her?!
Ace: it is she's just a little cranky right now. Isa don't bite me or i will put a muzzle on you. Isa kept growling and tried to get out of the ropes but she just stopped trying.
Isa: for the record i'm not speaking to any of you for this.
Tech: Angela is coming to make sure your doing alright it had been days since your surgery. Isa didn't say anything she was full on ignoring them.
Duck: okay now she's just ignoring us. Slam picked up Isa and she wasn't saying anything to the others.

*at HQ*

the Loonatics had just arrived and heard the door bell Ace went to answer it and Angela saw what was going on.
Angela: uh Ace do i want to know what's going on?
Ace: Isa ran out of HQ and she's a little cranky with us not to mention that she tried to bite me, normally it's Tech she tries to bite. Isa blushed and growled at Ace she almost pounced him but was held back by Slam and the guys, Isa was baring her fangs while glaring at Ace for what he said.
Lexi: you just had to push her buttons didn't you?
Ace: how was i supposed to know that would set her off?
Isa: i don't always try to bite my boyfriend besides the only one i'm going to hurt right now is you! Isa got out of Slam's grasp but was being held by Tech by her waist as she tried to attack her brother.
Tech: calm down your going crazy!
Isa: he started it Tech and i'm going to finish it!
Tech: then you left me no choice i'm taking you to the lab and tieing you down. Isa tried to get out of Tech's grip but nothing was working Tech took Isa to the lab and tied her down to a table where she was strapped down and wasn't happy about it.

Angela: well i guess that works in a way.
Tech: she puts up a fight one of the many reasons why i love her.
Isa: your going to be in trouble once i get off of this table Tech.
Angela: yeesh she's fiery your a lucky coyote. Angela checked over Isa she couldn't say anything due to muzzle being on her mouth Isa was not happy about anything, once Angela was done she told Tech that the stitches will be coming off he gave Angela and Isa some privacy. Angela began to get the stitches out and Isa was finally calm then once Angela was done she left, Tech walked in and saw Isa was glaring at him.
Tech: don't give me that look you should've stayed put then none of this would've happened. Isa turned her head not wanting to look at Tech since she was still mad at him.
Tech: (sigh) you can't stay mad at me forever. Tech took off the muzzle and let Isa up from the table as she walked out while staying quiet then went to her room where she locked the door, Rev picked up pizza and everyone started eating but Isa did not come out of her room.
Rev: i thought that would work she loves pizza.
Duck: she's really holding the grudge. Mythia came out and walked over as she smelled the pizza then tried to grab a slice but Lexi stopped her.
Lexi: nice try Mythia your not getting chunky besides your adorable the way you are. (holds out box) here take this to Isa she'll probably be hungry.

*mini time skip*

it had been days and Isa was not coming out of her room which made everyone concerned, Tech was walking to the lab as he looked at Isa's door then tried to knock on it but thorny vines stopped him.
Rev: that's a little over kill doesn't she think. the doors opened and Isa was glaring at Rev.
Isa: no they're not Rev it's one way to keep you all away from me! i am very upset with you guys. Isa walked back into her room and put on her headphones then got ready to sing a song.

once Isa was done singing she went over to her bed and laid down then saw a picture of her and everyone together, it was when Isa first joined the team she picked up the frame while holding it in her hands.
Isa: (sigh) do you think i held the grudge long enough Mythia? Mythia looked at Isa and nodded her head Isa smiled and picked up Mythia as she held her close then walked out of her room, but didn't see the team Isa's ears fell down and decided to leave them a recording hoping they would find it. Isa walked to her room and closed the door then the team came in Lexi saw the hologram on the table it was more of a disk, the guys all looked at it then Lexi put it in.
Isa: hey guys i'm recording this since your away on a mission i wanted to say i'm sorry for being so angry at you all, but i was going completly stir crazy i hated being cooped up in HQ. please understand i'm not mad at you guys anymore i need my space hence why i kept my distance, right now i'm in my room so i maybe we can talk in the morning i love you guys your the best family i have ever had. after the message was over everyone looked at each other and sat down on the couch.
Ace: let's wait till morning to talk with Isa.
Lexi: agreed.

*next day*

the team was awake all but Isa she was still sleeping then smelled her favorite breakfast, it woke up Isa she walked out of her room while stretching and yawning. Isa was walking to the kicthen and Mythia was behind her Isa saw everyone and her ears fell down feeling a bit guitly, Isa walked over to the table as she sat down.
Ace: morning sis.
Isa: morning Ace look guys i'm sorry for avoiding you for a few days i just needed my space i was so upset with guys, it's just i guess my anger took over i'm with really sorry.
Lexi: it's alright we forgive you. Isa looked at Lexi and wondered where Tech was at she only had one guess Isa drank some coffee and went to get changed, then walked to the lab Isa poked her head in then walked over to Tech as she put her hands on Tech's shoulders.
Tech: Isa.
Isa: hey i wanted to come see you i'm guessing you and the others got my message?
Tech: we did but later tonight could you come to my room i want to have a talk with you.
Isa: alright i won't argue with you. Isa left the lab and Tech smiled at her as he looked at the picture he keeps of him and Isa, from their first date which made him smile.

*later that night*

Isa was walking to Tech's room and she knocked on the door she heard him tell her to come in, then Isa walked in only to see the room was dark and it spooked her a bit. as Isa walked into Tech's room she tried to feel for a light switch but felt hands around her waist which made her jump then a hand went over Isa's mouth as she heard Tech's voice.
Tech: it's alright it's alright you won't get hurt i promise.
Isa: (feels Tech's hand move) don't do that again you almost gave me a heart attack.
Tech: sorry but i wanted to surprise you i set up something for you. Tech lit some candles and Isa saw what Tech did for her.
Isa: Tech this is incredible. they both enjoyed the night then leaned in and kissed each other the kiss had gotten passionate until they heard something Tech and Isa both pulled apart as they both went to go see what was wrong.

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